Our Co-Founder and CEO Marquis Cabrera announces Stat Zero’s Covid-19 Zero-Disease Challenge.

A Zero-Disease Challenge — Solving Communication Problems for Medical Professionals with Stat Zero

By JoHannah Harrington, COO, Stat Zero

Stat Zero
3 min readMar 26, 2020


Opportunity for grant of up to $10,000 for winning solution to promote Zero-Disease(s):


As the world is coming to terms with COVID-19 and the requirements for communities to social distance to spread the disease, our healthcare professionals are on the front lines of the fight to care for those with the disease, balance the needs of other patients, and stem the spread. With the overwhelming need for healthcare professionals to share information, best practices, and successes in real time, Stat Zero is launching a challenge to all digital transformation solution drivers to help those medical professionals find a way to communicate quickly, succinctly, and accurately.

Why we care

Rather than issue a general call to find solutions, which are being launched by our partners in the space to do good and necessary things, Stat Zero has decided to focus on the areas we know best — digital solution building. Our goal is to combat the issue that our analysis has shown to be a major issue — the inability of medical professionals to share important information on the front lines with each other while combating this novel disease. Our network of physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, and other medical professionals have shared via social media that they need a place to share best practices in combating the spread of COVID-19 directly with one another that bypasses the noise of social media platforms.

Stat Zero can and wants to help. We are launching a challenge to our digital health solution-based partners to develop a simple platform that medical professionals can join (for free) to share solutions, information, best practices, and other information to combat COVID-19. We are providing a grant of up to $10,000 for a winning solution or solutions designed to provide a location for medical professionals to share the necessary information.

Goal of the challenge

The goal of the challenge is to develop a digital tool to help spread information and opportunities for medical providers to share best practices and information related to the care of patients during this COVID-19 pandemic (and possibly beyond). Stat Zero is agnostic as to whether this is an app or an online forum. We encourage all applicants to the Challenge to include some methodology to vet the end-user to ensure they are medical professionals with the appropriate licensing / background to benefit from this digital tool.

Stat Zero is moving fast so that we can have an impact on this area of need. We launch the Challenge today (March 25) and request that all applications/solutions be submitted via the form link by noon PDT on April 10, 2020. Stat Zero is committing to having all pitches with the top applicants to be completed by April 13–14, 2020 with our committee of Stat Zero executives, physician partners, and digital advisors. We will announce the winner on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 with deployment of the grant for the winning solution (s) to use as they need to launch this tool. Stay tuned for our social media updates on the progress of the challenge over the next few weeks!

Together, we can all make a difference to help with the containment of COVID-19 by helping our medical professionals have a space in which to share the information they have found most helpful.



Stat Zero

stat zero is a public sector R&D group with an impact fund using social innovation and emerging technology to solves the world’s grand challenges.