Welcome to Stat Zero Ventures

In working with founders, investors, and our partners we are sharing some insight into Stat Zero Ventures.

Stat Zero
4 min readJan 9, 2020


What is “Stat Zero Ventures”?

Stat Zero Ventures is a co-investment vehicle that enables accredited investors to co-invest in technology ventures moving the world towards zero disease, zero pollution, zero poverty, zero illiteracy, and zero inequality.

How big is the fund?

We are a $250M GovTech R&D-focused impact fund and investor network focused on emerging tech / digital transformation enabler investments aligned with the zero goals and investments where the government may be a customer.

What size investments do you make?

Stat Zero Ventures is the corporate venture arm of Stat Zero that will invest $100–300K in approximately 35 smart nation use case cases (pre-seed or seed stage startups) per year and $2–5M in approximately 10 series A startups per year — a total target of 50 investments per year in new startups. We will always take an advisory role to venture build use case investments. Our intent is to lead or take a leading position in the follow-on rounds we choose to invest in.

For the larger investments, our seed and post-seed start-up investments, we intend to invest in the most competitive deals that we already have a relationship with, but remain opportunistic to competitive investment opportunities aligned with our strategy that we do not yet have a relationship with.

What sectors do you invest in?

We are industry agnostic and invest in technology companies. We have a preference for startups aligned with our segments and focus areas.

A. Our major segments GovTech and Civic Tech includes Heathcare, Energy, Climate & Sustainability, Education, National Infrastructure, and Social Programs.

B. We look for fungible, reusable technology. We consider digital transformation startup enablers aligned with Enterprise & EmTech (categories such as SaaS, Cloud, AI/ML, Marketplaces, Blockchain), but look at them from the lens of our civic partners as they may become customers or channel partners of our portfolio companies. If you are unsure if your startup fits — we can help you! Enter your startup for investment consideration here and we will get back to you.

C. Our focus areas are Zero disease, Zero pollution, Zero poverty, Zero illiteracy, and Zero inequality.

Stat Zero’s venture sourcing strategy explains focus areas.

Zero disease can include digital health and life sciences industries

Zero pollution can include energy, utilities, climate, and sustainability

Zero poverty can include real estate, public sector fintech, and food innovation

Zero illiteracy can include edtech, future of work, and corporate training

Zero inequality can include financial technology / access and bias in tech

If you are a founder looking for investment that fits our segments, focus areas, or want to find out more, submit your details here and our team will get back to you.

What is your process for making investments?

We invest in an on-going basis, but target to make 10–14 investments per quarter starting Q2 FY2020. The process from first engaging with Stat Zero to deployment of capital can last from 2–14 weeks, although we target 4–6 weeks to make an investment decision. Stat Zero Ventures is unique in that if we pass on an investment opportunity in one quarter a founder can submit a request for a review in a subsequent quarter. For details on the complete investment process, you can visit our blog on Stat Zero Ventures’ Investment Process.

What value do you bring?

The value of Stat Zero is in our relationships with governments and our network of potential clients and supporters focused on impact. We also provided GovTech start-up-as-a-resource insights and access to global procurement vehicles and markets through our services network. Moreover, governments and corporates are already our clients and partners, so we can align tech startup solutions directly to live client deal flow/pipeline. Even for our relatively smaller investments, startups get access to a powerful network of accredited investors and potential celebrity advisors through Club Zero.

Our goals are to change the world by building wealth, accelerating competitive ventures innovating for a better world, elevating emerging investors through Club Zero and backing game-changing founders.



Stat Zero

stat zero is a public sector R&D group with an impact fund using social innovation and emerging technology to solves the world’s grand challenges.