The orbit of you: What is social magnetism?

Outlier Tribe
1 min readMar 15, 2018


Why do we hang around certain people? What draws us? This is a question we’ve been wondering about as long as we’ve bothered to wonder.

Each of us has magnetism. The amount of social attraction we emanate is different for each of us. Some people are impervious, so much that they don’t fall into anyone’s gravity. Some are even invisible, attracting no one. Sometimes on purpose, they draw nothing in.

Turn to the opposite end of the magnetism spectrum. When you get that odd person that seems to just have everyone at their feet, it can be off-putting, almost offensive. Scientists call it the halo effect, but Glinda from Wicked just calls it popular. The interesting thing is, we all start off at a certain skill level when it comes to at attracting others. And as mastery teaches us, a person’s skill level can be modified.

