Meet Your Future Boss… Mr. AI

Nathan's StayingAheadOfAI
4 min readJul 22, 2024


AI Bosses: The New Reality

AI bosses… Now isn’t that something? I find it hard to wrap my head around which one I would choose, and that is if I will have the choice anymore. The thought of an AI boss is daunting, for instance, would you be able to get away with doing non-work-related things? I imagine eagle eyes everywhere, with zero going unnoticed. There is lots of talk nowadays about Generative AI replacing executives, and it might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but believe it or not, AI bosses are becoming a reality.

What Do Humans Think?

The pandemic has already nudged us closer to a tech-driven work environment, with remote work, virtual meetings, and digital communications becoming the norm. The leap to AI bosses doesn’t seem too big. In fact, a survey found that 42% of British workers are comfortable with the idea of an AI boss. Executives, too, are warming up to the concept, with nearly half expecting AI to take over many high-level positions. I found it bizarre that executives seemed okay with AI coming for their jobs, but interestingly enough, a consultant from Korn Ferry said:

“We’ve always outsourced effort. Now we’re outsourcing intelligence” — Vinay Menon

Human & AI Working Together

Despite the rise of AI, humans and robots are not necessarily in a battle for dominance. In fact, they can complement each other quite well. This BBC article highlights several examples of how AI can work alongside humans to enhance productivity and creativity:

  1. Collaborative Creativity: AI can assist humans in generating new ideas, whether it’s in writing, design, or strategy. Think of it as having a super-smart assistant who never runs out of energy.
  2. Data-Driven Insights: While humans bring intuition and experience to the table, AI can crunch vast amounts of data to uncover patterns and insights that might be missed otherwise. Together, they can make more informed decisions.
  3. Enhanced Efficiency: By automating routine tasks, AI frees up humans to focus on more complex and strategic activities. This symbiosis can lead to a more efficient and dynamic workplace.

Bosses also have a lot to handle, the BBC talked about Hannu Rauma (a senior manager at a student marketing agency) and how managing 83 employees can be quite exhausting.

In this particular context, the AI boss comes to handle routine tasks such as check-ins, keeping you on track with reminders, and ensuring accurate billing for clients. It can suggest improvements and answer any work-related questions you have. Plus, it keeps everyone updated on project progress in a central portal.

Mr. Rauma shares how this AI manager has transformed his work life. “It’s like having an ultra-efficient assistant,” he says. “I can now focus on growing the company and all the positives. It’s definitely reduced my stress levels and, dare I say, added years to my life!” Added years to his life? I do not know if that is an exaggeration, but if he solemnly says that, it could very well mean that AI can positively impact the workplace. I would like to see how the implementation of AI bosses evolves with time so we can have a fully rounded perspective. Is this step in the right direction or not? Let me know in the comments!

“Someone who is already quite advanced in their career and is already fairly self-motivated may not need a human boss anymore.” — Phoebe V. Moore, Professor of Business Management, University of Essex Business School (Bold Business Insights)

Surprisingly, Mr. Rauma said the relationship with his employees improved overwhelmingly. “Before, it felt a lot like a father-child situation. Now, we’re more on an equal footing. Before, it was only about solving problems. But now we’re able to have more light-hearted discussions” (BBC).

Even though it seems unusual on the surface, it has worked out favourably for Mr. Rauma and his employees, which is promising for the future. I will return to my first point, where I expressed uncertainty regarding an AI boss checking up on you. I wonder how others will react to it because many would feel uneasy losing that human touch at work. From an ideological perspective, bringing AI into the workplace to manage employees further hammers down the sentiment that humans are simply cogs in a machine. Are we ceding our livelihoods to artificial intelligence?

Feeling uncertain about the rise of AI in the workplace is completely natural. Change can be daunting, especially when it feels like our roles are shifting rapidly. But remember, AI is here to enhance our capabilities, not replace our unique human touch. To tackle this uncertainty, stay informed, embrace continuous learning, and be open to new technologies. Let’s engage with each other and share our thoughts — together, we can navigate this evolving landscape and find ways to leverage AI while focusing on what we do best, being human.

Thanks for coming today! If you’d like to see more stories on AI adoption in our lives, clap for me, and share this article too. Wishing you all a fantastic week.





Nathan's StayingAheadOfAI

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