Getting to Know the iPad: App Store

Generation Connect
4 min readOct 29, 2015


Demonstration of how to customize the iPad with programs designed for the iPad called apps.

Workshop Prep

Before getting started, make sure all participants know their Apple ID password. They will need it to practice downloading an app.

Introduction: App Store

Apps are the reason the iPad is such a useful device. While the iPad comes standard with approximately 25 apps, there are over half a million that are available to add.

This workshop will introduce the concept of an Apple ID — the user name and password required to add apps to the iPad. Additionally, participants will learn how to search the App Store for useful, entertaining apps and download them onto their iPads.

Video #1: Apple ID

Engage the group by asking: has anyone has ever tried to use a computer program or service but wasn’t able to because you couldn’t remember the password? We all have!

Introduce the Apple ID and password as the most important user name and password on your iPad. It is used to control all Apple Services, including the program to add apps — the App Store.

Practice Activity — Review your Apple ID and make sure everyone knows their password.

Video #2: Downloading an App

Remind the group that many useful apps are already preloaded on the iPad, such as the Notes and Maps apps from previous lessons. Explain that there are countless options to add programs. Provide an example or two of useful or relevant App Store apps; describe an app you enjoy or an app that might appeal to participants. The video will walk through the steps to search and download an app to the iPad.

Practice Activity Search for an app and download it to the iPad. Need a suggestion? Try a weather or game app.

Video #3: Payment Information

Participants may have noticed that some apps cost money. Explain the many apps are free to download but some specialized apps cost money. Provide an example of an app that costs money, such as the $.99 version of your favorite Spider Solitaire which eliminates ads. The video demonstrates the two options for paying for apps — storing a credit card or using gift cards.

Practice Activity — Review payment options, discuss compelling paid apps.

Additional Resources

Advanced Activities

Most new learners should focus on downloading apps. If participants are already comfortable with the process, introduce these additional lessons for organizing app layout.

Video #4: Customizing Your Homescreen

Learn how to rearrange apps on your home screen and create folders so it’s easier to find your favorites.

Practice Activity — Practice moving app and creating a folder.

Video #5: Deleting an App

Learn how to delete an app that you no longer want.

Practice Activity — Delete any unwanted apps.

App Settings

Prior to downloading apps, new iPad users must sign into the App Store with the appropriate Apple ID and password. Upon signing in, users are prompted to enter payment information. We recommend helping new users set up an account without credit card information.

Signing into App and iTunes Store

To access: Settings > App and iTunes Stores

Tap the Sign In button, enter Apple ID & password, and tap the Review button.

Review Account Settings

After signing in, Account Settings will automatically open in the App Store. Select United States. Agree to the terms and service. Enter required fields: Title, Name, Address, City, Zip, State and Phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to enter my Apple ID password to download an app usually, but not always?

If you have recently entered your Apple ID password to download an app, your iPad will stay logged in for fifteen minutes. You can adjust password settings:

Settings > iTunes & App Store > Password Settings

Why do some apps have a Cloud button instead of Get/Buy button?

The Cloud button indicates that an app was previously downloaded to the Apple ID account but then deleted from the iPad.



Generation Connect

Gen-Connect helps people LEARN the iPad, CONNECT with the things & people they love, and SHARE these experiences. Looking for Pad Pals to join the movement!