2 years of life in Italy: mentality, Italians and last changes in Ukraine

Stay in UA
4 min readFeb 18, 2019


Roman Melnik
24 years old, photographer

«When I came to Italy I knew Ukrainian, Russian, English and that «Chao» means «Bye». It turned out is also means «Hey».

What do Italians and Ukrainians have in common?

Italians are very different. If we compare southern regions with northern is roughly like our eastern and western Ukraine. They may not respect each other and believe in stereotypes. People from Milan and Palermo may be as different as people from Lviv and Donetsk.

I would point out a friendliness of local people. They are very open to strangers. If you come to Italians be confident in a delicious dinner.

What about our difference?

They are able to rest, live for themselves. They enjoy their life. They are able to combine work and rest. Work — Siesta — then work again — rest.

Family is very important. Especially dinner with family. Of course there are exceptions especially for people in big cities. But in general, sitting together, drinking wine and talking it’s okay.

The southern you go the less chances for you to stop by some restaurant for meal since locals used to rest in Siesta — from 14:00 to 18:00. Sure supermarkets work without breaks in big cities

What about everyday life of Italians? Is there anything that surprised you?

Yep there is one thing. During lunch or dinner they use separate type of plate for each meal and they give a portions one after another but not all together.

About people’s mindset difference

Older generation trust people very much and like to talk. Ukrainians are cautious. Maybe this is an influence of Soviet Union. On the other hand Italians understand — the more they talk the more chances for them to make a friends.

Do they drink wine every day? Is it addiction?

They don’t have an addiction. They just drink. Being there sometimes I asked myself what I drink more: «Water, wine or coffee?».

There is nothing wrong with drinking wine in Siesta. Local wine is very tasty. Basically it’s a dry wine. Ukranians usually snack while they drink and Italians dine and only wash it down. This explains their attitude to wine. I haven’t seen drunk people there.

What did you notice first after you returned to Ukraine?

Big and small cities are changing differently. For example there is nothing new in my small hometown Kovel since I was there last time, but numbers of pedestrian areas, parks and entertainments was built in Kyiv in the last few years. It’s really cool and I feel comfortable and coziness.

I would say that streets became cleaner and number of foreigners increased — they are everywhere in downtown.

By the way a lot of fashion designers had appeared in the last few years in Ukraine

Roman and the last question. What will be with Ukraine in future?

Everything will be okay. Okay if people will learn to do business. I mean respect the laws and how to work on the international market. We must understand the specific rules and miscalculation. It will help us to plan the future.

