Moved to Israel: hiking in desert,
night Tel Aviv and why drawn back to Ukraine?

Stay in UA
6 min readMar 17, 2019


Alina Kharchenko

22 years old

Junior Photographer

«I had been there three times before I moved to Israel: in children’s camp when I was 11, in Bar Mitzvah holiday when I was 12 and in Taglit program when I was 18. Last time I was on educational program Masa Israel Journey.»

Today is Friday so Shabat Shalom, Alina! Tell me how you’ve moved to Israel?

Shabat Shalom! It was not complicated for me. I’ve already had an experience with this culture because I’ve studied in jewish school. I came to Israel because I wanted to learn design and photography. Course lasts for 9 months. It was in Beer Sheva. From the program we received a three-room apartment. I lived there with my sister and another girl. Third room was empty. I share a room with my sister in Ukraine, so we didn’t think it could be otherwise during the education.

If I’m not mistaken this program is aimed at diving into culture. How it was?

We were hiking. Best of all I remember the way from Safed to Kinneret. We were planning it carefully and even though our path wasn’t easy. It took three bus transfers to get to Safed. We were in hurry, because it was 2 hours before Shabbat. Bus was detained. We thought to stay overnight at the bus stop. But suddenly a bus with Orthodox Jews arrived. It saved us. The way people took seats in that bus surprised me. Man took front seats, pairs were in the middle and women took back seats.

We arrived to Safed before sundown. We didn’t have much time by nightfall so decided to find a place where we can make a camp. It was small downhill journey along with beautiful sunset and sights of Kinaret — our destination.

The next day we woke up at 5 AM. We had to go 15 km. It was not so simple. Our path passed through the gorge with standing air. Can you imagine when it’s 40 degrees heat and no wind?

Another important detail is the place where we want to take water. We had to fill our bottles with water from the source we were heading to but it appeared that the source was dried up. We were slowly running out of water. It become dangerous. It was that case when you go because you must to. In one moment everyone felt really bad and we had to stop immediately.

My friend Sergiy decided to take a look around having hope to find a water. Finally he found an Israel pipeline. Sergiy was our savior. Soon we got to Kinneret and the very first thing we did was fresh shower.

What about walks not from the program?

I remembered well our adventure in Tel Aviv on Independence Day. There were four of us. It was evening. We met two guys on the Rothschild Boulevard — main street of the city. We got talking and one of them proposed us to spend the night in his apartment. At first we wanted to refuse it up but he made a good impression. He works in synagogue. We really wanted to wake up on Shabbat in Tel Aviv. You know, to see this city in the rhythm of «resting».

How did it end?

The man allocated a room for us. In the morning we rode bikes with him. We had a mini-tour from the north of Tel Aviv to Jaffa. This is a long distance. If compared it to Kyiv it’s like going from Pechersk to Contract Square and back.

Tell something about unusual things in Israel

There is thing called «kashrut». It means you don’t mix dairy with meat. People who follow the rule usually have two fridges and two sinks.

You may see family with 13 or more children. This can be explained by few words from Torah: «Be fruitful and multiply».

I remember the day when gay parade took place in Tel Aviv. Local people relate to such events okay . I would like people treat the same way in Ukraine. For me this is equality and freedom.

I started jogging there. I was so inspired by the number of running men with their children and women with dogs. They like jogging along the quay of Tel Aviv. This is a city of free and healthy people.

About youth

Youth dressed in comfortable clothes. I never used an iron there. Girls don’t make up. In Kyiv I think how to dress, in Israel I don’t.

Then you decided to return to Ukraine?

Yes, four of 35 participants of this program returned. Now I miss Israel. I miss the warmth and openness of people. But in Ukraine I love people. They are friendly and always tell how to get to somewhere. I am often asked whether I can show the way. But I am bad in navigate and often tell people wrong way. I am very ashamed afterwards. (author’s note: Alina was born in Kyiv)

I like Ukrainian food so much. In Israel it’s not as good as in Ukraine.

If we compare Kiev and Beer-Sheva: There are few places in Beer-Sheva where you can chill with friends. In Kiev new places appear regularly.

I’m not sure but maybe I want to live in two countries. This is a very important decision, therefore I’m thinking.

What do you think about Ukraine in future?

In Ukraine everything is changing rapidly. To live where you can change something is more interesting then live In Israel when everything is already good. So many things have changed since I returned. I feel like we’re trying to grow.

