“Confronting Systemic Injustice: Underfunding in Minority Schools”

4 min readOct 18, 2023


Did you know that minority schools in the United States face a critical crisis of underfunding, significantly affecting the quality of education they can provide? According to a study by The Century Foundation, the U.S. is annually underfunding its K-12 public schools by an astonishing $150 billion. This means that more than 30 million school children are deprived of the essential resources they require for academic success. The most distressing part is that school districts with predominantly Latino and Black students are disproportionately impacted. They not only face a higher likelihood of underfunding but also encounter much wider funding disparities, with an average deficit of over $5,000 per student. This dire lack of funding is evident in the subpar conditions of these schools, where students often cope with inadequate textbooks, outdated technology, failing infrastructure, and deteriorating buildings. It’s time for us to take action, as every child deserves an equitable opportunity for quality education, regardless of their racial or socioeconomic background. We must unite to ensure that minority schools receive the funding necessary to create a safe and supportive learning environment, making a lasting impact on the lives of these deserving students.

The SAT and ACT tests have come under fire for their alleged racial bias, creating an uphill battle for minority students striving to pursue higher education. A groundbreaking study conducted by Brookings has shed light on the persisting racial disparities in SAT scores, revealing that black and Latino students consistently achieve significantly lower scores compared to their white and Asian counterparts. These tests are not only facing criticism but are also being challenged in court for their alleged discrimination against applicants of color hailing from low-income families. It is high time we address these concerns and strive for a fairer and more inclusive college admissions process.

Minority institutions of higher education also encounter financial disparities. In the state of Tennessee, for instance, a prominent minority university is burdened with an outstanding debt of 2.1 billion dollars. The allocation of funds by the state has been disproportionately skewed towards predominantly white universities, leaving minority institutions grappling with the arduous task of sustaining their educational establishments and preserving their accreditation. Consequently, these disparities have resulted in the unfortunate closure of minority schools due to critical facility deficiencies, encompassing heating, air conditioning, and pest infestation concerns.

It is evident that a systemic structure exists with the intention of impeding the progress of minority groups. The federal government possesses the potential to undertake further measures in order to rectify this imbalance. Presently, Ben Crump is serving as legal counsel for Tennessee State University in its litigation against the state of Tennessee, seeking a compensation of 2.1 billion dollars. It is imperative that concerted efforts are made to establish a more equitable system that ensures equal prospects for all individuals.

This saying is one that we must hold dear to our hearts: “Remember, when we extend our help to all, we create the foundation for collective success.” Now, let’s talk about the world we live in today. It pains me to witness how many young people from minority backgrounds find themselves caught up in criminal activities simply because they lack access to education. It breaks my heart, truly. We cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that an unfair education system plays a significant role in the rising crime rates. Yes, my friends, it’s a crime on both sides of the equation. You might be surprised to learn that a large portion of crimes are committed by individuals who have not had the privilege of a proper education. And if that wasn’t enough, the mismanagement of funds that should rightfully be utilized to aid minority communities in education only worsens the situation. It’s like adding fuel to the fire, causing an even higher incidence of crime among those who have been denied the opportunity to acquire the knowledge they need to succeed. But here’s the glimmer of hope, my friends: Imagine a world where our education system treats every individual fairly, where equal access to education prevails. In that world, we could potentially witness a decline in crime rates. Can you imagine the transformation, the impact it could have on our society? Let’s hold onto that vision and work together to bring about the change we so desperately need.

In our quest for success, let us not forget the indisputable truth: better education paves the way for better income. Oh, how many minority families find themselves grappling with financial challenges directly linked to their limited educational opportunities. It pains me to see such potential restrained. Our Nation has consistently led the world in groundbreaking inventions. And would you believe it? Many of those ingenious creations were brought forth by the brilliant minds of minorities. Yes, indeed. Today, as we find ourselves engaged in a battle for technological supremacy against other nations, we must rally together, united. We simply cannot afford to leave a single group behind in this endeavor. It is with education, my friends, that we shall emerge triumphant, securing the technological edge we seek. So, let us commit ourselves to the cause, and educate one and all, for it is through this collective wisdom that we shall prevail in the great technology battle!

