A Vote of No Confidence in Shari Steele:

2 min readAug 18, 2016


A Proposal For A Tor Relay Operator Strike.

It has recently come to light that the Tor Project chose Franklin Bynum as the “outside counsel” to investigate the allegations sexual assault and sexual harassment against Jacob Appelbaum. Frank Bynum is in a romantic relationship with one of the principle complainants in that investigation, Alison Macrina.

In addition, Shari Steele allowed Macrina to become extensively involved in the investigation of Appelbaum’s conduct, despite the fact that she is an interested party in that investigation, since she claimed to have been taken advantage of by him.

This is completely unacceptable and unprofessional conduct by Tor’s executive director.

If the allegations against Appelbaum are true or substantially true, then this is a gross disservice to victims, since Shari’s actions robbed the process of any appearance of impartiality or legitimacy. If the allegations against Appelbaum are false or false in part, then this just as bad or possibly worse.

Either way, Shari’s actions needlessly exposed the Tor Project to civil liability, by creating an obvious appearance of bias, when she allowed Bynum and Macrina to conduct the investigation. Shari Steele has failed in her fiduciary duty towards the project.

The Tor Project should not expect volunteers to offer their time and resources, when Tor’s leadership is sending a clear signal that it will condone the preferential treatment of some community members over others, that it may aid and abet public shaming campaigns, and that it will simultaneously undermine the credibility of people who come forward with abuse complaints by poisoning the investigation with obvious bias.

Tor needs an impartial, professionally-minded executive director who can insure that influential members of the Tor community do not abuse their power, whether they engage in unwanted sexual advances or expose the project to liability through irresponsible public shaming campaigns.

I call upon other relay operators to conduct a coordinated 24 hour shutdown of the Tor network, in order to send a clear vote of “no confidence” in Shari Steele.

It’s time for a new executive director and a saner, less favoritism-ridden and personality-driven Tor Project.

This is neither an endorsement of Jacob Appelbaum nor an endorsement of the accusations against him. At this point the Tor Project’s conduct is so reprehensible, that it doesn’t matter who is in the right — the leadership needs to go.

Feel free to contribute your thoughts in the comments or here.

