Ninad Jadhav
5 min readFeb 3, 2018


Let’s talk about the internet today. All of you surf websites on the internet on daily basis. Then it can be anything- Facebook , Instagram , Gmail , Quora , some kind of information on Google , etc. There are crores of websites available on the internet and lakhs are published everyday. But do these websites aquire the whole internet ? Probably , not !!! There are many websites which are on the internet. But they are hidden. What we see is only one side of the coin. But this coin is not an ordinary coin. The speciality of this coin is that the side which we can easily is much smaller than the other side. The other side is ‘too’ big. Bigger than what you can imagine. And only some people can surf on. Well, other people too can surf it , but there are many conditions that you have to follow, and surfing on it is not recommended. How to sirf the deep web , what are the conditions and why is it not recommended to everyone will be discussed shortly in this same article. To know that , read till the end. So , first we will understand what is THE DEEP WEB ?

  1. Definition:

There is no proper definition of the Deep Web. But we can say that it is a large box in a bag having a small pocket , where the bag is the internet. Now , what is that pocket ? Come , let’s understand it.

2. Size of the Deep Web:

As i said it earlier , that the Deep Web is much bigeer than what yo can imagine. Remember , the bag in the definition column ? The small pocket in the bag which I specified is the surface web or the public web oe the web that people can surf easily. The ratio of the surface web to the deep web is normally shown through an image. let’s have a look on it:

As you can see , the surface web (public web) aquire only 4% of the total internet , which contain approximately 8 billion pages and websites . Rest 96% is aquired by the Deep Web with size 7.9 Zettabytes ( ~8 Zettabytes). Now I think you are able to imagine the size of the Deep Web.

3. What does it consist of ?

The Deep Web contains ample amount of information. It is of anything that you want to know about. It also contains many important and top secrete documents of government and other organisations. Hence it is stored in the Deep Web with top securities and passwords. It can only be surfed once you get the link of it or any kind of special browsers.

4. Legal or Illegal ?

Many people knowing just the term DEEP WEB have a misconception that it is totally illegal. Well , that’s not the case. The DEEP WEB has a part known as THE DARK WEB. As the name suggests , it is illegal. I will tell about it in my upcoming blogs. But the DEEP WEB is not illegal. It is totally legal. Anyone can surf it. But how? Let’s know about it :

5. Surfing THE DEEP WEB :

As I said earlier , the Government organisations or others store many important documents in the DEEP WEB. They have a link to it which can easily take them to the page. But they don’t share it with the common people. For common people like us , we need a special kind of a browser known as TOR Browser. The full form of it is the ‘The Onion Router’. It’s not about the onions we use to put in eatables. The normal websites have “n” number of extensions , such as ‘ .com’ , ‘ .gov’ , etc. But the extention of the websites on the DEEP WEB is ‘ .onion’. The TOR Browser gives a route to these websites. Hence the name if it is The Onion Router. Anybody can easily install it on one’s terminal. It also keeps us anonymous till a certain level. There are levels to surf on the DEEP WEB. Now, one may ask , “Is there any rule to surf it?”. The answer is YES. It does have some rules to follow. Let’s see what are those :

6. Rules to surf on THE DEEP WEB :

a] You need to have knowledge abot the TOR Browser.

b] You are surfing something and you dont want some organisation to know about it. Like , you are surfing against a corrupt government or organisation. Then it is very important that when the TOR Browser opens , keep the TOR Browser window in the same size as it opens or someone can trace your activity. It is a difficult task , but by putting some efforts , anyone can trace it.

c] Before surfing any Deep Web website , you need to research on it. This is because , while surfing , you don’t know whether the website is legal or not. If the website is illegal and the government is tracing you , then you will be arrested quickly.

d] You should surf with an expert sitting with you. This is because exiting Deep Web is a bit difficult. Also the expert will guide you while surfing.

7. Why surfing DEEP WEB is not recommended ?

While surfing , you are going to face a number of problems , such as the one mentioned in the 3rd rule. You don’t know whether a website is legal or illegal. Also , there are number of hackers on the Deep Web. They can hack you. A short incident related to it : A man was surfing the Deep Web. He came acrros a post on a page. He hadn’t put his real name with his surname anywhere before. He found that the post was wrong. So , in the comments section , he said what he felt. This time , too , he didn’t put his name and surname. After a time , a guy replied to his comment. He felt that the post was right and the comment was wrong. In the reply , he said what he felt, But , at the end he also wrote the commenter’s surname. Like , assuming his surname as Johnson , the reply said “I think this is wrong Mr.Johnson.” No one knows , how he did it but it is a true incident. Also , another risk is anyone can use your name and do illegal activities and you will be caught. Hence , surfing on The Deep Web is not recommended to common people.

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Ninad Jadhav

Hey guys , this is Ninad Jadhav and I like programming , cybersecurity and ethical hacking. Most of the articles will be on the same.