Ninad Jadhav
4 min readOct 3, 2017


Many of the people in the world think that hacking is totally wrong. They consider hacking as a crime. If a person tells to others that I am an ethical hacker , then he is treated as a criminal. There are also some people who think that a hacker is the greatest person in the world. But this case doesn’t work in some parts of the world. And there are people that if you ask , “Hey bro , do you know what is hacking ?” , the one and only one reply would be , “Bro , what shit are you talking about ?” But , the thing is that ethical hacking is not what you think. Then the question arises…..


The answer is simple. Ethical hacking protecting a setup or a program. Then it can contain applications and softwares , too. An ethical hacker is hired for hacking a system. Let’s take an example of a company which has made a software. Maybe , a banking software. If they sell it directly without testing it , then there will be a big havoc. There are 'n' number of black hat hackers which actually are bad hackers. They hack for money and their benefits by destroying the other. And they are many in number , maybe not around you but in some part of this world. Best example is The Group Of Anonymous. So , coming back to the point , the black hat hackers would definitely hack the software. Think , that it is a bank software and if that gets hacked then there would be a great loss for the bank. The black hat hacker gets all the details of the bank accounts of the people. He then can withdraw all the money which people think, are safe in the bank. So the people too are at a great loss. To prevent this , the company hires an ethical hacker. When the software is ready to use as per the company , it is given to the ethical hacker to hack in all possible ways and the report is given to the company. The company then improves it and again give the improved version to the ethical hacker. They again hack it and the process continues till the instant at which the hackers are not at all able to hack it in any possible way. Now , the software is totally ready to use. This very important role is of an ethical hacker. According to Google Dictionary , ETHICAL means PURE OR LEGAL OR A GOOD AND RIGHT WAY. For reference :

There are also many important tasks of an ethical hacker such as hacking a system of a terrorist organisation by orders of the government , etc. Remember, that ethical hacking needs permission of the respected authority or the person who owns it or it will be considered as illegal. You will be put behind bars for such actions. Exceptions are of terrorist organisation which needs permission from the government.


There are some people who have some knowledge about hacking but they don’t understand what is the difference between a programmer and an ethical hacker. If you don’t know, the answer is , yes . There is a lot of difference. A programmer makes a program and an ethical hacker hacks it. A programmer needs to have a deep knowledge about any one particular programming language. But an ethical hacker needs to have the basic knowledge of many programming languages. Many people think that ethical hacking needs Python Script or JavaScript. But it isn’t the case.


Basically, there are three types of ethical hackers.

They are :

  1. White Hat Hackers
  2. Black Hat Hackers
  3. Grey Hat Hackers

Let’s see it one by one…..

  • White Hat Hackers :

As I have explained before , white hat hackers are the good hackers. They do all legal works. They take a written permission before any actions. Basically , they are you can say HEROES of the cyber security field.

  • Black Hat Hackers :

The hackers which are evil are called black hat hackers. They hack for money. Organisations hire them to attack some big personality such as Donald Trump. They hack them and get plenty amount of money. But that money is illegal. And if they are caught by the police , then definitely their place is behind the bars.

  • Grey Hat Hackers :

These hackers hack without any intention of destroying someone. But they also don’t take permission before the action. And this too is illegal. In most of the cases, they are script kiddies — means they are the core beginners. They have started hacking recently and know very less about it. And the remaining ones are those who hack just for fun which,too , is illegal.

Career in Hacking :

Most of the people think that there is no career in Hacking. But it is not such. Today , technology is growing rapidly in all parts of the world. If there is technology , there are the Black Hat Hackers , and to counter attack them we need White Hat Hackers , or the world will literally ruin. And hence there are many career opportunities in Hacking.

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Ninad Jadhav

Hey guys , this is Ninad Jadhav and I like programming , cybersecurity and ethical hacking. Most of the articles will be on the same.