Richa Moorjani On Never Have I Ever South Asian Rep

Steave shawn
2 min readJun 11, 2023


Richa Moorjani On Never Have I Ever South Asian Rep

I loved the fun and quirky vibe, exploration of grief, and especially the three-dimensional portrayal of South Asian characters. It’s a show that many children of immigrants (including myself!) can relate to and laugh with.

Richa Moorjani — who played the one and only Kamala — shared a moving post on Instagram to mark the end of the series.

“Four seasons of a show that has forever changed me, but more importantly has changed the course for South Asians in Hollywood and become a part of the tapestry of what it means to be brown in this country today,” she wrote.

“Eternally grateful to @mindykaling @loulielang and all the brilliant writers (#wgastrong) for creating a nuanced, hilarious and deeply emotional show that had the capacity to reach the hearts of an international and intergenerational audience, while centering and celebrating our people and giving young (and older) brown girls and boys everywhere a source of confidence and belonging.”

Richa said that she’s never been more proud of anything in her life.

“This may be the end of the story for the Vishwakumars, but I know it’s just the beginning of many many more beautiful brown stories to come. 👩🏽 I love this cast and crew with all my heart, and it’s been the honor of a lifetime to be a small part of this historical moment for my glorious community of South Asians.”

The actor also shared how much the response from fans has meant to the cast.

“Lastly, to each and every one of you out there that has shown our little show so much love and expressed how this show has deeply impacted you for different reasons — I think I speak for all of us when I say it means more to us than any award, nomination, or review. That’s what storytelling is about. We love you,” she concluded.

Cheers to more South Asian representation in Hollywood!



Steave shawn

I am a profesional blog writer an cover news about the worldwide.