Tips on Making a Website More User Friendly

Jason Caldwell
2 min readMar 12, 2018


Appealing to a large audience is something a business owner will have to work at. Showcasing the services and products a company offers is the only way to inform the general public about a business’s brand. One of the best marketing tools a business owner has at their disposal is a website.

An appealing website will provide a prospective customer with all of the information they are looking for. Making this website user-friendly is a great way to improve the overall measuring customer experience. The following are some of the things a business owner will need to consider when attempting to make their website more user-friendly.

Having a Responsive Site is Essential

Nearly half of the traffic on the internet comes from people using mobile devices. A business owner will need to work to make their website responsive in order to accommodate these users. Failing to make a website mobile-friendly will lead to a company missing out on a lot of opportunities.

While it will cost money to make a site responsive, the investment will definitely pay off. Finding an experienced web designer is the best way to get this design process handled the right way.

Make Company Details Easier to Find

If a visitor to a company’s website has to hunt around for things like contact details, it can lead to them getting frustrated and leaving. Instead of losing customers to this type of mistake, a business owner will need to put details about their company front and center. Often times, a business owner will get too wrapped up in making their website innovative and will forget all about the basics.

Having a really cool looking website will mean nothing is customers aren’t able to contact a business. An experienced web designer will be able to offer a business owner guidance regarding how to properly structure their website

Offer Online Ordering

Businesses who sell products need to make ordering them online easy. If a customer has to call in to order products, it may lead to big problems. Getting an appealing and functional e commerce site constructed can help a business owner increase the amount of products they sell on average.

Finding a company who can help improve the overall experience a customer has is a good idea. The team at Lanla are passionate about providing companies with the help they need to take their marketing efforts to the next level. Visit their website for more information.



Jason Caldwell

In quite a few cases, the most important initial step will be to come to a better understanding regarding the typical customer experience.