Unlocking Creativity: 10 Techniques to Generate Blog Post Ideas

Ethan Steele
3 min readOct 21, 2023


Mika Baumeister

Every content producer has moments of doubt, staring at a blank canvas, waiting for inspiration to strike. However, there are numerous techniques for overcoming this creative barrier. This post looks into ten ways for revitalizing your creativity and keeping your work fresh.

  1. Collaborative Brainstorming Sessions: Assemble a group of innovative individuals for a brainstorming discussion. Share ideas, exchange perspectives, and derive inspiration from the collective insights of the group (Deep-Dive Here).
  2. Content Curation: Handpick content from trusted sources within your domain. Offer your insights on the curated content or design a summary post highlighting the most captivating ideas from various sources (Deep-Dive Here).
  3. Industry News and Developments: Stay informed about the latest developments and trends in your field. This can be a goldmine for inspiration, allowing you to offer a unique perspective or analysis on contemporary events or emerging patterns (Deep-Dive Here).
  4. Mind Mapping: Start with a primary topic and create a mental map. Expand on the major theme by highlighting related subtopics. This strategy aids in visualizing the interrelationship between concepts, making it easier to write an organized blog article (Deep-Dive Here).
  5. Reverse Brainstorming: Instead of pondering what topics to cover, think about what to avoid. By discarding certain topics, you might discover unique perspectives or overlooked subjects that can inspire new content.
  6. Experiment with Varied Formats: Experiment with different types of blog entries. Explore various content formats such as infographics, films, podcasts, and interactive quizzes. Experimentation can spark new ideas and fascinate your audience in unexpected ways.
  7. Analogies and Comparisons: Seek inspiration from daily life through analogies and comparisons. Linking abstract ideas to tangible, familiar situations can demystify complex subjects, making them more engaging.
  8. Feedback from Readers: Engage your readers by holding polls or soliciting feedback on your material. They may propose interesting themes, or you may find questions or issues that have not been addressed in prior postings.
  9. Guest Contributions: Welcome guest contributors to your platform. These contributors can offer fresh perspectives and expertise, rejuvenating your creative process.
  10. Personal Insights: Share insights and experiences related to your blog’s theme. Personal narratives can deeply resonate with readers.


Nick Fewings

In the ever-changing landscape of content creation, having a toolset of tactics to overcome creative stagnation is critical.

Bloggers may continuously produce original, relevant, and interesting material by embracing a variety of brainstorming strategies, ranging from collaborative sessions to personal narratives.

As the digital landscape becomes more crowded, these techniques can help you stand out and actually connect with your audience.

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Ethan Steele

I'm Ethan Steele, a journalist leading a blog squad. We cover a universe of topics, perfect for broadening horizons 🌏or dinner party chat . Follow us!