OER and Open Textbooks at UW-Madison

Two recent presentation about the state of OER development at UW-Madison

Steel Wagstaff
2 min readJan 27, 2017
Public domain images found at Old New Stock (source 1 and 2).

This last week, I gave two recent presentations about the state of OER development at UW-Madison.

1. EI Brown Bag event on OER and Textbook Affordability, Tuesday, January 24, noon-1:15pm, Union South.

Kris Olds and I presented on UW-Madison’s OER strategic framework, our use of Pressbooks, and some of the open textbook efforts currently underway around campus. We had about 50 people in attendance, and have already created a couple of new open text projects from people who attended the event and were inspired to get started on their own projects. Our slides from the event are licensed CC-BY and can be viewed in Google Slides or downloaded as a PDF from EI’s website.

2. UW Pressbooks User Group Kickoff, Thursday, January 26, noon-1:30pm, 290 Van Hise Hall

In this meeting, Amanda Larson and I gave a brief presentation about the current state of development for Pressbooks, shared a roadmap for future development, gathered ideas from local Pressbooks users about feature requests and content authoring needs, and organized and scheduled a monthly users’ group meeting for anyone interested in using Pressbooks to create open texts of any kind. Our slides from this event are also CC-BY licensed and can be viewed in Google Slides or downloaded as a PDF.

Our next Pressbooks users group meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22 from noon-1pm in 254 Van Hise. Our topic: “Pressbooks and H5P for Beginners.” We’ll give a short hands-on introduction to creating open texts with Pressbooks and using the H5P plugin to create interactive content, with demos and examples from some of our more experienced authors.



Steel Wagstaff

Educational Product Owner at Pressbooks. Dedicated to open education. Trying to make good decisions for good reasons.