OpenAPI | Creating an API description of your project using SpringDoc implementation

Stefan Paladuta
6 min readJul 6, 2022


The main article that bundles all together and redirects to different features that you can implement in swagger UI is present here:

In this article I am going to present what the implementation of spring-doc (that is complaint with OpenAPI specifications) brings to the table.

The article will be divided in the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1 Implementing springdoc first steps
  • Chapter 2 Properties we can change
  • Chapter 3 Using springdoc-openapi Maven Plugin to generate yaml or json file that can be imported in Postman, Insomnia or other similar tools
  • Chapter 4 Annotations that you should know
  • Chapter 5 Configuration of the openAPI definition via annotation

Chapter 1 Implementing spring-doc first steps

Step 1 Add the dependency into your spring boot project

Once we add the dependency everything will be generated to the OpenAPI specifications:


NOTE: This version 1.6.4 is what I choose in present (03/07/2022) but don’t forget you can always check the version in the maven repository:

Step 2 Create your first Controller

and now if you start your project, going to: http://localhost<yourPort>/swagger-ui/index.html you can see:

Chapter 2 Properties we can change

Springdoc-openapi also supports swagger-ui properties. These can be used as Spring Boot properties, with the prefix springdoc.swagger-ui.

Example 1: springdoc.swagger-ui.path=/swagger-ui-custom.html

will change the UI page location url from http://localhost<yourPort>/swagger-ui/index.html to http://localhost<yourPort>/swagger-ui-custom.html if you want to go more fancy.

Example 2: springdoc.swagger-ui.operationsSorter=method

sorting the API paths in order of their HTTP methods.

more can be found here:

Chapter 3 Using springdoc-openapi Maven Plugin to generate yaml or json file that can be imported in Postman, Insomnia or other similar tools


So, we have a maven plugin that we can use to generate the openapi.json, maybe you are asking why is this cool ? Well for multiple reasons but first allow me to show the steps to add this plugin

Step 1 — Putting the dependency:


the complete pom.xml looks like this:

and now we call it in a terminal: mvn verify

and now after the generated openapi.json I’m using Postman to integrate it:

Step 1 — Click on the import button
Step 2 — Upload or Drag and drop your openAPI json file
Step 3 — Drag and drop my openAPI json file
Step 4 — Preview of what we imported and some settings we can adjust
Step 5 — Confirmation of the import
Step 6 — Enjoy a new API specification done in postman automatically

Chapter 4 Annotations that you should know

Remove springfox and swagger 2 dependencies. Add springdoc-openapi-ui dependency instead. Replace swagger 2 annotations with swagger 3 annotations (it is already included with springdoc-openapi-ui dependency). Package for swagger 3 annotations is io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.

Annotation @Tag

NOTE: In springfox implementation this tag represents the equivalent of the tag @Api you can read about it here: (Chapter: @Api annotation)

Example of usage:

@Tag(description = "Book Store details that will appear in the UI", name = "Books store")
public class BookController {

Annotation @Parameter

Example of usage:

@Operation(summary = "Get book store name")
public String getBookShopName(@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.COOKIE) String cookie) {
return "Stefan's books shop name";

Parameter annotation can accept one of the following types:

⚙️ ParameterIn.COOKIE

@Operation(summary = "Get book store name | Cookie Example")
public String getBookShopNameWithCookieExample1(@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.COOKIE) String cookie) {
return "Stefan's books shop name";


@Operation(summary = "Get book store name | QUERY Example")
public String getBookShopNameWithCookieExample3(@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY) String yearOfPublication) {
return "Stefan's books shop name";


@Operation(summary = "Get book store name | Header Example")
public String getBookShopNameWithCookieExample2(@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.HEADER) String token) {
return "Stefan's books shop name";


@Operation(summary = "Get book store name | PATH Example")
public String getBookShopNameWithCookieExample4(@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.PATH) String id) {
return "Stefan's books shop name";

Annotation @Hidden

NOTE: In springfox implementation this tag represents the equivalent of the tag @ApiIgnore you can read about it here: (Chapter: @ApiIgnore annotation)

As the name states it’s used to not render an operation or parameter actually here you have 3 options to hide something:

  • Option 1 — Use @Hidden for parameters or/and operations/endpoints.
  • Option 2 — Use@Parameter(hidden = true) just for parameters.
  • Option 3 — Use@Operation(hidden = true) just for operations / endpoints.

Annotation @Schema

The @Schema annotation is used to customize the name of the schema also properties can be customized too and not only with boring text but also with emojis 😋, example:

  • Introducing into the project a DTO and a new endpoint that recovers a collection of instances of that DTO:
import lombok.Data;@Data
public class Book {
private String title;
private String[] authors;

and the result is:

ok fine, we see the resource called Book, but it’s a bit boring. How can we spice it up ? well… with the @Schema annotation:

import lombok.Data;
@Schema(name="Book 📚", description="Book characteristic")
public class Book {
@Schema(description="Book Tittle", maxLength=50)
private String title;
private String[] authors;

and now:

well that’s a resource if I may say 😋

Annotation @Operation

NOTE: In springfox implementation this tag represents the equivalent of the tag @ApiOperation you can read about it here: (Chapter: @ApiOperation annotation)

Example of usage:

@Operation(summary = "Get books", description = "A good description applied to a wonderful endpoint :)")
public List<Book> getBooks() {
return new ArrayList<Book>();
SWAGGER-UI using the Operation annotation with summary and description attributes.

Chapter 5 Configuration of the openAPI definition via annotation

So, except the style of creating a java class “OpenAPI” we have the posibility also to do the same thing via annotation.

Using the OpenAPI object:

Using annotation:

Without annotation and also without OpenAPI bean object:

Swagger-ui generated by just introducing the dependency (without annotation nor bean object)

If you liked the article please take a minute to offer me a clap 👏 or even buy me a coffee (;

If you want my code you can find it here:



Stefan Paladuta

Software engineer and team leader at Centrico Selir 👨‍💻 | Fanatic programmer | Outdoor wild camper 🚙⛺