The HOW of the LTO Network Business Band

Stefan van Oirschot
LTO Network
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2019

Thanks for your interest in the LTO Network Business Band!

Of course you’re familiar with LTO Network, the hybrid blockchain built for business. And now you want to do more and play a business development role in the LTO Network Community. You came to the right place! I assume you read about our checklist for joining the Business band? It’s available on our Wiki.

Having gotten familiar with LTO Network, the team, the community I really understand you’re enthusiasm and it’s awesome that you chose to become part of the LTO Network Business Band! Yahoo!

Helping us to get more integrators and clients to build on top of LTO Network. More users — more transactions — bigger network!

Make sure you have joined the Business Chat — so you always have access to the latest updates. If you’re new to the LTO Network Business Band the Business Chat is a great starting point as well as (again) our Wiki.

This blog is not about the why and what of the Business Band. It’s all about the how we are doing stuff:

  1. Business Chat — Quick discussions, chat
  2. Wiki — Articles, documents
  3. Trello — Collaborating on epics, business roadmap

As you already joined the Business Chat and of course read the Wiki let’s continue with number 3 and start collaborating.

We chose to use Trello for collaboration on work items:

LTO Network Business Band Trello board

Get an invite to the Trello board from the Business Chat admins. An admin will need your e-mail address or your Trello username to be able to add you to the Trello board.

Joining the team and start collaborating is quite easy. We tried to make the barrier to entry as low as possible. Opening the board for the first time you’ll quickly notice the 2 columns with introductory information on the far right. One column with handy Trello productivity tips and a second column containing basic usage information. You’ll always find the latest and greatest information on the board.

The board looks a little like a free-format KanBan :-) and is structured as follows:

  • Issue list — Contains new items, have fresh ideas? Put them here! Make sure to elaborate on what you want to achieve.
  • Todo — Once an item from the Issue list is qualified we put it here. Qualifying can be for instance more information on the; why, when, who, what and how.
  • Doing — Every card on the Doing list has 1(!) member and a Due date. No joint responsibility (This does not mean you can not or should not collaborate), so no more than 1 member per card. A due date is the date for when you think this step of this item is finished. Please add regular status updates in the form of comments to the card to keep all the members on the board up-to-date on the progress of items.
  • Done — Finished work items are in this list. At regular intervals the contents of this list will be archived.
  • Decisions — Important decisions made which need to be visible to all Business Band members. New members can easily find out what has been decided on in the past and why this was decided.
  • Memo List — This is an easy way of reaching all board members. Just add a card to this list. Open the card and add a mention (@board) to the comment field followed by the memo you want to send. All board members will receive a notification. If they have the Trello App installed they’ll also receive a notification (push) on their mobile device.

Like always feedback on how things are structured is very much appreciated. So feel free to comment.

Now that you have a basic understanding of the How of the LTO Network Business Band let’s start and fail-fast :)

Best of luck and thank you very much for contributing and being part of the LTO Network Community!



Stefan van Oirschot
LTO Network

Chief Digital Advisor at Red Hat | Creating organizational impact through Open Transformation