Castilla–La Mancha , the city of Don Quixote of La Mancha.

Stefan Georgeta
3 min readApr 15, 2022

This is a land famous for its arts and crafts, for the unique monuments that can be seen in its cities and because it is the setting for the adventures of the famous literary hero Don Quixote of La Mancha.Most of the cultivated land produces barley, grapes and olives. The region also produces lentils, onions, peppers, sunflowers, saffron and sumac. Livestock accounts for about a third of the region’s agricultural production; favorite animals are sheep, pigs and goats.La Mancha is described by Miguel de Cervantes in his seventeenth-century novel Don Quixote, and visitors to the region can still find the 16th-century windmills to which Cervantes’s fictional wandering knight “bowed.” believing them to be gigantic rivals. In addition to its association with Cervantes, La Mancha is well known for its wines.La Mancha is not only the most important wine region in Spain, but also one of the largest wine-producing regions in the world. Although La Mancha’s viticultural reputation was once based on the amount of its productivity, its wines are becoming more and more known for their quality. Spain. The region is also famous for the production of saffron, derived from the purple-flowered saffron crocus plant (Crocus sativus), which is believed to have been brought to Spain by the Moors in the 10th century.In addition to serving as a wildlife sanctuary and offering outdoor…

