Oradea, Romania — Art Nouveau style.

Stefan Georgeta
19 min readMay 1, 2022

The city of Oradea has been awarded Europe’s most attractive Art Nouveau destination. Romania has surpassed Budapest, Barcelona, and Aveiro in terms of population.This new design eschewed straight lines divided by angles and rejected geometric shapes’ severity, favouring free-flowing curves that gave the appearance of natural growth., which defines the structures of the 1900s, has allied itself with this European creative phenomena through architectural schemes that impose themselves on a considerable number of buildings as authentic manifestos of modernism. The majority of the buildings constructed between 1890 and 1914 are examples of this refined trend, which transformed Oradea’s architectural landscape in a relatively short period of time., the architectural context of Oradea through ways of artistic expression specific to the Transylvanian Secession with the fruitful tendencies of European Art Nouveau, from ambitious “report houses,” hotels, cafes, theatres, schools, banks, trading houses and industry, to industrial buildings and warehouses, and military architecture undoubtedly mark to this day. The separatist architects of Oradea established an own repertoire, drawing on the influences of numerous European families and combining it with the Romanian or Hungarian ornamental repertoire. They are multi-story structures with a reinforced concrete skeleton, bow winds unhooked on many levels, and consoles…

