St. Petersburg Kunstkammer: museum.

Stefan Georgeta
7 min readMay 26, 2022

Emperor Peter the Great created the St. Petersburg Kunstkammer in St. Petersburg, Russia. It first opened its doors in 1714.We find more than a million artifacts collected in the Kunstkammer at this time, which were brought by Peter the Great from his travels in England and Holland, which the emperor committed in 1698. Traveling through overseas museums, the king of visited and admired a collection of rarities and finally decided to bring them to Russia. Motivated by this idea, Peter began to buy rare items, old books, weapons, tools, equipment — anything that might surprise him. Huge collections were brought to Moscow, to the royal palace.It is located on the Universitetskaya Dam in St. Petersburg, overlooking the Winter Palace.The Kunstkamera’s petrified Baroque tower, designed by Prussian architect Georg Johann Mattarnovy, was finished in 1727. In 1719, the cornerstone was placed. Kunstkamera literally translates to “art room.” natural and human wonders and rarities,” a popular form of collecting at the time. The tsar’s personal collection, which was once housed at the Summer Palace, includes a variety of anatomically faulty human and animal fetuses, which Peter had seen in 1697 while visiting Frederick Ruysch and Levinus Vincent. Their kunstkammer’s main goal was to learn everything there was to know about the globe.The Kunstkamera of Peter the Great is generally seen as a haphazard collection of…

