The beautiful village of Saint-Paul de Vence in France.

Stefan Georgeta
5 min readFeb 20, 2022

Satul Saint-St Paul de Vence, located in the Alpes-Maritime department of the Riviera Franceză, is probably the most beautiful sat you’ll find in the south of France, and it’s perched on a hilltop. This sweet mic became a magnet for artists and art lovers in the 1920s, when a group of impressionist painters rediscovered this historic city.Today, St Paul de Vence is one of the most well-known treasures of the Côte d’Azur, and you should definitely pay it a visit. The cobblestone streets, centuries-old buildings, small squares, vaulted passages, arches, and ancient fountains, all of which are plentiful, make it one of the most beloved villages in the south of France. The ramparts of Paul de Vence are home to a plethora of antiquities. Fashion, artisan boutiques that may be found at every turn, exquisite hotels and restaurants.

Modern art, contemporary art, one-of-a-kind or naive art… Folon, Tobiasse, César, Niky de Saint-Phalle, and many others are among the artists who have contributed to the history of St. Paul de Vence. The street is an open-air museum, and you’ll have a great time exploring it!

