A crashed Alien Drone has been photographed on Mars by NASA say Ufologists

Stefani Cruwers
1 min readApr 19, 2018


We’ve all seen some really weird things on some of the Martian images beamed back by NASA’s very own alien robots on the red planet, but there are some image that simply put, are weird as it gets. An example of those images is posted in this article.

According to Ufologists and a lot of comments on Social Networks, the object in the image is anything but a natural rock formation on Mars. According to comments we are actually looking at some sort of ancient ‘alien drone’ on the surface of Mars. But how is that possible? Well today, anything is possible on Mars. Not long ago, we believed the red planet was a desolate, and dry planet… now we know things are very different when it comes to Mars since scientists have found liquid water flowing on the surface of Mars and high amounts of Methane and mysteriously… traces of Xenon-129. The only process that we know that produces Xenon-129 is a nuclear explosion. (See image below).

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