Tony Robbins Knowledge Business Blueprint: Create Your Successful Mastermind

Stefan James
5 min readMar 20, 2019

All of the most successful people in the history of the world have one thing in common — they know the power of a mastermind.

In the first few years of building my online business, I really struggled because I didn’t have a community of like-minded people in my corner.

However, once I was introduced to the work of Tony Robbins, my entire life transformed. Tony Robbins Knowledge Business Blueprint helped accelerate my business success, to the point where I am now a multi-millionaire.

Are you ready to learn how you can harness the power of a mastermind to grow your business?

Do you want to learn about my FREE bonus package, worth $11,057 that you will receive if you join Tony Robbins Knowledge Business Blueprint? CLICK HERE to learn more!

Who you surround yourself with is who you become.

Successful in business is due, in large part, to the people whom you surround yourself with. Trying to motivate and inspire yourself while overcoming obstacles in your business can be challenging. For this reason alone, I believe that every entrepreneur needs to be a part of a mastermind.

A lot of people are a direct reflection of those around them. If you hang out with people who operate at a low vibration, you will as well. Conversely, if you hang out with people who are constantly leveling up their lives, you will be inspired to raise your game.

“Associating with like-minded, success-oriented, joyful individuals — a Dream Team — is one of the most amazing success tools that exist. Anyone who achieves great success must have a Dream Team.” — Robert G. Allen

In my experience, the fastest and most effective way to change any area of your life is to surround yourself with people that are more successful than you. You don’t EVER want to be the smartest person in a room. Yes, this will require that you check your ego at the door and open your mind to new knowledge, but it’s worth it. Successful people don’t claim to have all of the answers. Their commitment to lifelong learning and self-improvement ensures that they always stay humble.

I first came into contact with Tony Robbins work when I was 17 years old.

At the time, I was just getting into the self-development world. His teachings, tools, and principles allowed me to transform from a shy, anxious kid who lacked self-belief, to a successful 7-figure Internet entrepreneur. It’s fair to say that he has profoundly impacted my life in more ways than I can count.

Over the years, I’ve attended his Unleash The Power Within, Date With Destiny, Leadership Academy, and Business Mastery. At these events, I got the opportunity to meet so many inspiring and influential people who have pushed me to dream bigger and achieve more.

In the words of John C. Maxwell:

“The better you are at surrounding yourself with people of high potential, the greater your chance for success.”

When you interact with people who have already achieved what it is that you want, it motivates you to level up your life. This is where the power of a Mastermind Group becomes so important.

What Is A Mastermind Group?

The idea of a Mastermind Group was first popularized in the early 1920s by Napolean Hill. In his book, Think And Grow Rich, he described the Mastermind principle as:

“The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony…no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind, also known as, the mastermind.”

How Does A Mastermind Group Work?

Typically, a Mastermind Group meets weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. It is comprised of a small group of success-minded individuals who brainstorm ideas, talk about challenges, help one another define their goals, and share their progress. It is accountability, networking, motivation, commitment, and personal growth all wrapped into one.

More importantly, it’s an opportunity to develop long-lasting friendships with people who are going in the same direction as you. I’ve been a part of several different Mastermind Groups over the years. To this day, I still am. These connections have proved to be invaluable.

In the words of C.S. Lewis, “The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.”

One of the most powerful and life-changing Mastermind Groups that I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of is the Tony Robbins Knowledge Business Blueprint. I have achieved huge breakthroughs in my business as a result of using the techniques and strategies within this program.

What Is The Tony Robbins Knowledge Business Blueprint?

This is a course that was designed by Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Russell Brunson. As many of you already know, Tony is a legend in the personal growth and development industry. For the last 30 years, he has been responsible for changing the lives of millions of people around the world, including my own.

Dean Graziosi is a multiple NY Times best-selling author, creator of multiple 9 figure companies and is considered to be one of the best real estate educators,

Richard Brunson is a successful entrepreneur who has built up a following of over one million entrepreneurs. He is also the author of the well-known book, DotCom Secrets, coined the concept of sales funnels, and is the co-founder of ClickFunnels.

Together, these legendary men created a system that teaches you how to use the mastermind model so that you can educate others in your area of expertise. Here are a few highlights of their program:

  • Guides you through techniques for masterminds
  • Gives you the mastermind approaches that they and other pros personally use
  • Helps you to leverage the best tactics for a successful mastermind

As part of the program, Tony, Dean, and Russell also provide you with software called, “Mindmintwhich gives you a step-by-step formula for how to develop a Mastermind Group of your own. In my personal experience, this software really helps to speed up your learning curve.

By implementing the success formula of some of the most successful people in business, with a simple click of a mouse, you can leverage your business and get results faster. It’s a win-win.

The Tony Robbins Knowledge Business Blueprint is your ticket to mastermind success.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Rather, leverage the ideas and knowledge of other success-minded people in your industry. Not only will this help grow your business, but it will also open up your world to new opportunities.

Two heads are always better than one. Being a member of a Mastermind Group has the potential to accelerate your results in every area of your life. In my eyes, there’s no greater gift that you can give yourself and your business.

Are you ready to start leveraging the power of a mastermind?

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Stefan James

I’m a life and online business strategist dedicated to helping you create freedom and master your life. To learn more, go to: