10 amazing apps using GPT-3

stefano agresti
3 min readMar 25, 2022

GPT-3 is the new language model developed by OpenAI, published in 2020. With over 175 billion parameters, GPT-3 is one of the largest AI models ever developed and represents today the benchmark for many natural language generation tasks.

Here, we present 10 of the most interesting examples of real-world applications that exploit GPT-3.

1. Algolia

Algolia’s purpose is to allow any website owner to implement a powerful and precise search engine for their catalog. Using GPT-3, Algolia manages to detect the exact meaning of what the user is looking for, providing results that are more accurate than those provided by traditional keywords-based engines.

2. Viable

Any company to improve needs to take into consideration the feedback of its users. How to do this when these feedbacks are in the order of the thousands? Viable is the solution. By using GPT-3, Viable is capable of reading thousands of comments, summing them up in reports just a few lines long, providing an important tool for designers to improve their products or services.

3. MessageBird

Another tool to improve the interaction with the clients is MessageBird. MessageBird is an omnichannel platform that optimizes every type of communication with your clients, from support calls to Whatsapp notifications. Thanks to GPT-3, messages sent through this service are always precise and reliable.

4. DeBuild.co

Even if it appears unbelievable, GPT-3 is not only able to generate natural language texts, but it can also write high-quality code. An example is DeBuild.co, an app that allows to build complete websites starting from textual descriptions, helping developers to build React components, generate SQL code, and to deploy their websites.

5. MagicSalesBot

Magic Sales Bot automates one of the most hated tasks of marketing people, which is cold email writing. By using GPT-3, mails written by this bot not only feel completely natural, but they double the likelihood of receiving responses with respect to classic emails.

6. FableStudio

FableStudio proposes something different. By using GPT-3, FableStudio realized virtual beings, avatars which you can chat with using the usual messaging tools, such as WhatsApp, Skype or Messenger. After chatting with one of them, it becomes clear that in the future it will become easier and easier for AI to understand our feelings and emotions, reducing the gap between men and computers.

7. Replier.Ai

Replier.ai tackles the same issue that Viable tries to solve, that is the handling of an excessive number of feedbacks and reviews from users. By using Replier.ai, it’s possible to generate responses automatically, showing a level of attention towards your users’ opinions that would be unreachable otherwise.

8. ABTesting.Ai

ABTesting.ai is an interesting combination of GPT-3 with tools from classic statistics. The goal of this app is to create headlines and calls to action that generate the best reactions among the users. Using GPT-3, ABTesting.ai generates different combinations of the initial title, before testing them using an approach called in statistics A/B testing. This way, the app doesn’t produce only captivating titles but provides a concrete explanation of why these titles are better than others.

9. Epsilon Code

Another app that makes coding easier for developers it’s EpsilonCode. EpsilonCode is a tool that creates and debugs Python code starting from natural language descriptions.

10. Grok

The last app is called Grok and is a Slack application whose goal is to summarize the messages received during the day. By using Grok, users will no longer waste time by looking through all of their conversations or by reading all the messages in all of their channels, but they will receive a short but complete summary of what they missed.

Do you want to check out other great applications?

These were only 10 GPT-3 powered apps, but there are endless more. If you’re interested, visit our website oblique.ai, to check out those we are building! If you have other ideas in mind and you don’t know how to make it come true, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’re always ready for new projects!

You can reach me at my email stefano@oblique.ai or on my LinkedIn profile.

Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash



stefano agresti

Freelance developer and Co-Founder of Oblique.ai. Formerly Analyst in Deloitte and Junior Data Scientist in Accurat.