Announcing Unplug and the 2018 Winter Venture Retreat

Stefano Bernardi
5 min readJan 21, 2018


Last September, together with a good friend, we organized the first edition of the European Venture Retreat.

It was a crazy experiment, that we organized on a whim. And we had an amazing time.

You can see the video of the event here:

and some select pictures here:

(You can see the full album on Facebook)

We had people come from almost ALL of Europe, including Malta, Romania, Finland, Spain, Switzerland and so on, representing a lot of top EU funds and many crypto organizations like Placeholder and Aragon.

People got to chat while they climbed the mountains, while they enjoyed traditional food and while they slept in 12-people rooms in their bunk beds.

It was a different experience from the usual conference, and we were really glad to hear that people really enjoyed it.

So we’re doing it again!

With Lorenzo, we decided that the experiment was successful and we’re going to continue to organize epic mountain retreats for investors and entrepreneurs, and maybe even more people.

The goal and spirit is very much the same as the first edition:

  • bring high quality people in a natural setting and let nature and its activities create bonds between them
  • unplug from the daily hustle and refocus on what is really important
  • get exposed to different opinions and ways of thinking, and bring it all back with you

Our good friends at Belka have also designed us a new amazing website that embodies what we want to do.

2018 Winter Venture Retreat

We have designed a truly epic, 3-day adventure near Canazei in the Dolomites.

We will have bonfires,

epic skiing,

stunning private SPA sessions

snowmobile trips

night sledding

and lots, and lots of amazing food

all in our own PRIVATE hotel

You should really sign up for an invite at, we hope to see you soon!



Stefano Bernardi

Routing capital and attention towards important things. #planetplus