A quick hack to save 10 € on DAZN subscription


Today DAZN has increased the price of their base monthly subscription from 29 € to 39 €.

However, I have discovered a little hack to reactivate the 29 € monthly plan and save a full 10 € monthly (120 € yearly). This works onkly if you originally paid your subscription through Google Play Store.

Simply access your Google Store subscription: https://play.google.com/store/account/subscriptions

Search for DAZN row and on the right side, you should see a “Resubscribe”.

Click on it and follow the instruction in the confirmation dialog.
After few minutes your DAZN subscription should be reactivated at 29 € instead of the new 39 € price

This workaround is currently been tested on DAZN Italy.

Hope this will be useful!

