Here Is Why You Will Love AI In The Next 6 Mins

First of all, AI is no threat.

Published in
6 min readOct 21, 2017


Artificial Intelligence is not up to knocking down humans, their creativity or survival of any other organisms we know and that exists. We’ve been hearing this since the sudden surge in the deployment of conversational tools. That AI will take over the jobs of most of the citizens which in turn shall increase unemployment globally. Holding the potentiality to destroy lives on earth pick after pick.

Which was exactly what I was thinking before I took any effort to know the AI better (at least I am not a dead log novice now).

In general, humans have the habit of presuming situations beforehand. By considering shaky data that are widely spread across the web.

Able to link it to what Artificial Intelligence can actually solve or help us do? Yes! It will help us get rid of all the guess works we usually make.

Which means, guess works will get the least focus and gradually fade away while the new and intelligent ways to understanding human behaviours will emerge. Perhaps, by now we have a lot of them.

One such list — 50 Unique/Routine AI Technologies — Hacker Noon

What to replace your guess works with?

“Replace them with authentic, reliable data”

And because of the unruly growth in human population, in just about a year, the amount of data to be generated from various sources will surpass any conditions we’re facing now.

In a little while, running a business is not going to be easy (it never was). And it definitely won’t be about — how to outrun one’s rival but to build a business which can survive the steadfast technological storm.

“Tools are soon going to throw up millions of data on our face”

When they do, to handle the mess, we must have machines that are capable of handling any volumes of data sets. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence, neural networking, deep learning and several other intensified solutions are the only ones that can help businesses stay afloat.

Unveiling the mysterious marketing cycle

Though there are gazillions of marketing blogs and articles online, it’s been a constant struggle for marketers as well as for businesses to find out some significant marketing strategies. The main reason to never being able to find out one is,

“No two businesses are alike”

It’s the only reason why marketers don’t see an equally working strategic funnel to date.

It’s indeed easy to give away few random knowledge around marketing hacks or so, for a general contributor. But as a marketer myself, I understand the amount of effort it may take to fabricate a constantly converting marketing funnel.

The funnel looks something like this,

  • Identify the value your product and your business offers (read this up)
  • People who are looking for it
  • Places they linger often
  • Ways to reach them
  • Help them resolve the issue
  • Be there for them always

How To Use Artificial Intelligence For Effective Marketing?

Autonomous PPC advertising

Key Value — Analyzes, optimizes and promotes PPC ad campaigns.

Marketers allocate most of their Pay-Per-Click (PPC) annual budget to Adwords and Facebook ads. Most of which are managed by the internal marketing team or run through PPC agencies.

Not so convenient for any of us. To run cost-effective and accurate PPC campaigns, usual programmatic systems aren’t just enough. They also are prone to view-ability issues and security frauds.

Using tools like Albert will help marketers get rid of existing basic programmatic systems that still need human intervention. Albert uses predictive analytics, deep learning, and by processing natural language, it excels in precise pattern recognition. Uses the handy patterns to arrive at lucrative conclusions and fine-tunes performances thereby.

Hyper Personalized Websites & Landing Pages

This year, Evergage surveyed a wide array of marketers and came up with the reports stating 33% of marketers globally use AI driven tools to provide personalized web experiences. Further, when asked what benefits did they see at the end, 63% of respondents mentioned — an incredible spike in conversion rate and 61% of marketers succeeded providing improved user experiences.

How an AI influence website experiences?

By analysing users’ data points, from location, device, demographic to their behaviour, AI-driven marketing/CRO tools can optimise and provide appropriate content and offers to the users.

I recently read a very detailed blog that took a spin on Spotify’s intelligent system, used to curate hyper-personalized music playlist — ‘Discover Weekly’ (Sophia)

Tools like Hunch will seamlessly audit the website’s traffic and notifies whenever a sudden spike in the visitor volume is seen. It also gauges visitor drop off rate and sends in data whenever large-scale anomalies occur.

Launch Intelligent Email Campaigns

In most cases, an SDR or marketing team spends its enormous energy and time to drafting personalized emails for specific visitor segments.

How much ever efficient the segmentation be, there are cases where users make unique choices in every step they make. Segmenting and sending personalized emails in bundles won’t convert this type of users.

That’s when using an AI takes the position of an expert advisor and designs one-on-one personalized emails whenever email campaigns are initiated. Artificial Intelligence has the capacity to map a user’s website experience to h/her email browsing data.

Beyond this, Artificial Intelligence can launch dynamic emails based on the users,

  • Previous reading interest
  • Scroll depth (to show the convert worthy content at their eye level)
  • Subject line interest
  • Topics of interest
  • Wishlist
  • Most popular content
  • Time spent on a page et cetera.

Intelligent Churn Prediction

In the scope to identifying the disengaged segment of users, Artificial Intelligence can play a better role. In specific AI-powered tools will gather precise data sets, compare them against the active and inactive users, use predictive analytics (subset of Artificial Intelligence) workaround a significant model and then validate the model on users.

This will have more impact on late-churn customers — those who are loyal customers and have been the brand for ages. Less excites the quick-churn customers — those who buy, use, and quit in a very short span.

Check out Vidora — An Artificial Intelligence induced churn prediction tool.

The evolution of Artificial Intelligence and the algorithms that will emerge in our future, solely depend on a single factor called ideation.

The inception of futuristic technologies simply doesn’t belong to a single set of people. To create a globally accessible, cognitive expert like tool we all must huddle up together.

To ideate, design, and to build a super software will essentially require the brains of,

  • Creative and proficient marketers,
  • Design enthusiasts,
  • Psychology experts,
  • A bunch of computer language savants.




Associate Director of Analyst Relations at | Exploring passions