A Year in Review

Niall Horan: Flicker

7 min readOct 21, 2018

It’s the one year anniversary (yesterday, October 20th) of Niall Horan’s debut solo album Flicker and it deserves a proper review. This has been my go-to album since its release and I still can’t get enough of it. Niall has incorporated Irish folk and soft rock with a mix of country and pop thrown in there. It’s an album I knew deep down he had in him but also one that I was completely shocked about.

Going from a member of a band that barely had any solos the first 2 almost 3 albums created, I was so amazed to see the confidence he showed through this album. So here it is, an album I have been obsessed with for the past year. An album I have had the pleasure to see live twice. An album that brings multiple feelings. And an album that has made me so proud. Here is Flicker.

Niall’s voice throughout this album is heaven. I just want you to picture what a band in the 70s sound like and that is what Niall sounds like. The album was largely inspired from The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac and it is so evident that it was. His voice is so rich, warm and silky throughout this entire album and it runs through your veins like a smooth red wine.

The album starts with one of Niall’s more upbeat songs, On The Loose, and it automatically makes you want to sway. Horan’s 4th and final single off the album, the music video portrayed it perfectly. In the middle of a desert, a girl in a flowy dress is just dancing, having not one care in the world. And it definitely feels like that when you listen to it live. The prominent strings that can be heard through the song makes it sound so real and gives off that folky Irish vibe. It’s one of my favorites off the album even after a year.

This Town is next, and even though being Niall’s first single, out a little over 2 years now, it still portrays who Horan is as an artist. The sound is very calming and the strumming of the acoustic guitar heard throughout the song helps tell the story of a heartbreak. The Tiesto remix is a total banger as well, bringing this emotional ballad to a sad upbeat club song.

Niall’s only feature on this album comes in the form of a little country singer, Maren Morris, for the song Seeing Blind. It was recently announced that the song may be up for the running for a Grammy! For those who love country songs, this is a great tune to add to your playlist. The country influence to this song and the blend of both of their voices works so incredibly well. It’s a song that will never get old or outdated. The instruments again that were used in this are so prominent through this song and through the entire album.

SLOW HANDS! This song is the one that stands out from all the rest on the album. It’s the one that is a little more groovy and has that pop flare. Niall’s 2nd single off his album has had a huge success on the radio and on the charts since its release last May. The lyrics suggest a very sensual story and the vibrating beat of the drums make this tune one to dance to. It’s a home favorite and has even made one of my best friends a Niall fan!

Every time I hear the next song, I always think of my alarm and that is entirely my fault. From the moment I heard Too Much To Ask I instantly fell in love. I remember where I was and what I was doing when this song was released so vividly. The piano that runs through this song captivated me so fast and makes me so emotional. Another somber ballad about heartbreak on the album with a slight beat through the chorus was Niall’s 3rd single off the album.

Even after a full year of constantly listening to this album, I still can’t get over the instruments used in every song and how when you close your eyes you feel as if you are there watching it live. Paper Houses is yet another ballad that pulls at your heartstrings. HONESTLY, NIALL WHO HURT YOU?! The beginning of the song starts off with one of the band members saying ‘one, two, three” and then bam the song starts, which makes it so authentic and real. The sound of a shaker (maraca?) throughout the song ties all the instruments together and also helps with that slight up-tempo during the chorus.

This next song gives me all the Fleetwood Mac vibes and it’s another one of my favorites. Since We’re Alone is that soft rock song you can't help but snap your fingers to. It’s the one you want to be wrapped around your significant other dancing in your living room, blasting this song on your vinyl record player. It’s one of the few love songs on this album and Niall sings about being with the one you love and helping them be comfortable with the other person and opening up. “Since we’re alone, show me all that you are. And if you get lost in the light, it’s okay I can see in the dark.” (and then I cry because I want a love like that).

This whole album makes so emotional and this is one out of two songs that have actually made me cry an embarrassing amount of times. It’s such an important song to Niall that he named his album after it. Flicker is the song that Niall asks the audience to be quiet for. The one you can see him physically and emotionally get lost in, singing it entirely with his eyes closed. Flicker is definitely the slowest out of all the ballads and the violin in this makes it that much more emotional. Such an amazing song lyrically and sound wise, the violin pushing it over the edge to make it a fan favorite.

Another raw and emotional ballad, Fire Away showcases the silky smooth voice of Horan’s I had mentioned earlier. The rawness of this song and the simple production of it creates such a moving track even though the chorus is him just singing ‘fire away’ over and over again.

You And Me. This is the other song besides Flicker that I can’t seem to not cry when I listen to it. The story this song portrays is of a relationship coming to an end but not because they are not in love, but because the individuals need space to grow and learn away from each other. Niall begins the song singing “I’ve got a young heart and it’s wild and free. I don't know where it starts but it ends with you and me”, and then goes on to say “Time’s never been on our side
So would you wait for me? I lead a selfish life, ’Cause that’s what I need.”
The song being a ballad doesn’t help my situation of constantly needing to cry. Again, another song that is so raw with emotions and portrayed so beautifully.

Now, this next song is the most fun on the album, in my opinion. On My Own is simply a song about being on your own. It’s a song about being independent and needing that time to yourself, not needing no one and doing whatever you want to do. This is my favorite song to watch live because Niall just completely goes crazy during the instrumental part of the song. Dancing around the stage with his band and being so happy.

Niall has said that Mirrors, the next song on the album, is one solely for the fans. He wrote it about a girl he saw at a coffee shop and made up this whole story about her. A story about being insecure and wanting someone to hold close is the song I dance around my room too. The chorus picks up speed and you find yourself belting the lyrics and jumping around your bed.

Lastly, we have The Tide. The perfect way to end an album, tying in all the great aspects of this album into one song. From the simple ballad at the beginning including the violin and piano to it picking up speed during the build-up and chorus adding in the drums and any other string instruments (guitar/bass). Another lyrical genius of a song using the ocean as a metaphor for washing away all the memories of a relationship or person.

Overall, this album gets a standing ovation from me. He was able to show the world who he really was as a person and artist. Writing all of his songs just him and his guitar is eminent in the emotions and the instruments used throughout this whole album. The songs flow so nicely together and they truly belong, becoming a happy little family.

Can’t wait to see what his next album will be about, Niall already stating it won’t be as sad as this one.

All the love …


Give the album a listen if you haven’t already. You can find it on practically any music platform but here are my two favorites.






Essentially I create playlists and write about them. Occasionally I write about my favorite artists / bands. Most times I don’t write at all.