Stefanie Viens
1 min readJun 21, 2017


I’ve spent the last several months studying prejudice and discrimination. I am not American, but many of the reactions I have seen coming from Trump supporters (through social media mostly) have sounded like textbook cases of prejudice at work. Two theories come most prominently to mind, Social Dominance Theory and Right-Wing Authoritarianism. There are differences between the two, but they about boil down to perceiving threats to the status or values of their favoured social group (themselves) coming from ‘others’ (i.e. immigrants, gay people, black people, etc). As long as they consider themselves different (and better) than these groups, they will push back against policies and movements that try to improve the conditions of these groups because they believe it is taken something away from them. Several methods have been studied to reduce this type of behaviour, but certainly not on as wide a scale as an entire country…



Stefanie Viens

UX & Interaction Designer, formerly marketing and communications.