How Many Seas are There in the World what is the Right Answer?

Stella Brooks
2 min readNov 8, 2021


The knowledge about everything in this world is an ever evolving phenomenon. Just recently, it was revealed that Vikings had discovered the North America much before Columbus reached there. While, this is has initiated debate about some historic facts, there is no permanent truth about certain geographic phenomena too. Even the definitions of certain elements in this universe keep changing as new facts about them emerge. For example, the answer of how many seas are there in the world has not remained consistent with the time for mythical and factual reasons.

How Many Seas Are There in the World?

How many Seas are there and 7 oceans are the words that are often used interchangeably for the same elements (the huge water bodies). For a commoner who is not interested in geographical complexities, the simple answer of how many seas in the world is seven. However, this is not the case at all.

In fact, the concept of seven seas is mainstreamed by several older civilizations to an extent that modern human beings believe so. However, not only the seas in the world are not seven they are not as same as the oceans. Furthermore, many water bodies have the name sea as suffix but they are just water lakes and not the actual seas?

So What distinguishes between Ocean and Seas?

Even those aware about the fact that Oceans and seas are not the same at all, also fail to see the exact difference between the two. It is a common conception that Oceans and seas differ in their size; with former being bigger as Indian Ocean and later being smaller as Arabian Sea. This distinction is only partially true. The difference is not only about the size but also about the orientation and certain geographic properties.

While how many Seas are there indeed smaller than the Oceans, they are an essential part of the Oceans. By definition a sea is a water body which is part of an Ocean and enclosed by two continents. For example Mediterranean sea which is smaller in size is part of the Atlantic Ocean. Similarly Arabian sea is part of the Indian Ocean. However there are water bodies like Caspian Sea which are not generally Sea but water lakes. The reason is that they are often landlocked and don’t make a part of some Ocean.

Briefly 7 Oceans in the world is a bigger and seas is just its part or another region. However, both can have different names depending upon geographic location.



Stella Brooks

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