Coldplay, Coldplay, Coldplay!

Stella Andriana Putri
3 min readJul 14, 2022


Coldplay is the first band, my first band, that I admire so much, and I will admire for the rest of my life. The story between Coldplay and I began a long time ago when I was a kid, a very little kid. Back then I didn’t know what is MTV, what is music video, but one day when I was going to take a nap, I hear the beats, the intro, of the mighty song…

“bum, dash dash dash dash, bum, dash dash dash dash”

the drum was, is, still strong until now. It might be not my favorite song, but this is a very memorable song that starts the journey of how finally now I grow up as someone who likes and admires Coldplay so much.

I can’t talk English very well back then, so I just hummed the tone. None of my circle knew about that song (of course, we were just a kid back then), there was the time when Coldplay faded out from my life.

Later on, when I was in High School, and “Mylo Xyloto” was coming out, and I heard the “Every Teardrop is A Waterfall”, therefore the fire was burning inside of me and I was like being crazy and paint the words : “Mylo Xyloto” on my cupboard. People might had thought that I was over-liking them, fangirling them. I tried to turn back time when they released as “Starfish”, following from the first album to Mylo Xyloto, and I keep waiting the latest news on Coldplay. I tried to know their song one by one, pick my favorites, etc. etc.

Since I lived in the unsustainable city (which might be the most, perhaps), it is so hard to invite Coldplay do concert here. When they had concert in Singapore or Thailand, I was devastated because I was in the middle of rotation (junior doctor always had this rotation and it’s hard to get permission for day offs unless it’s so urgent. Watch Coldplay certainly not a urgent thing to everyone.)

I watched one by one my friends watched them. Despite of feeling sad and also jealous, the thought that I know them from A to Z while they were not, actually hurt my heart. You must be know the feeling of unfairness, that’s what I feel. Waiting for the day to come, my number one bucket list before I die, at least I must watch them, in front of my eyes.

Well, God answers my prayer. I finally had a chance to watch their concert. I really feel like flying to the moon, knowing that all those fairy tales become real. I see Jonny (my favorite), Chris, Guy, Will, play the song in front of my eyes. Of course I can’t see Phil Harvey, the main guy behind the stage, the manager, the friend, the family of the band.

I really enjoy how they asked us to have fun on the concert. Put the phone down when “Sky Full of Stars” is played, jump together, sing together, shout together. Crazy, what a crazy experiment. The audio, atmosphere, the satisfaction of audio visual, everything was so perfect.

For all those Coldplayers or even not a fan, if you had a chance to watch, I suggest you to watch it. But if you can’t, that’s alright at all. That’s alright. Listening to their songs, know the spirit of their music, that is really enough. They are my joy in this world, my inspiration to write, and forever the anthem of my life.

Thank you, Coldplay.

