God is non-binary and other blasphemous thoughts to consider

Would you set the world up like this?

Non binary
Non binary is a term used to describe gender identity that falls outside the male/female category

There’s a false god at play in the human psyche. It requires total submission, money, loyalty, family and a ridiculous gender system amongst other things. Who would set the world up like this? According to the story in the Bible, Eve ate the apple and that’s why we’re messed up today. What an explanation!

Are we saying that if Eve didn’t eat the apple we could have avoided gender, race, politics, greed/money and all the horrible things that have humanity in the toilet?

If we really think about it, even the whole concept of family might have been different if she didn’t eat that damn apple. Eve wasn’t preggers, she’s portrayed naked in the garden in every King James Bible I’ve ever owned.

Could you imagine! Eve, the representative of all women, walking about naked, wild & free!

It is interesting that the greatest pregnancy in the entire Bible is Mary’s and we know Joe wasn’t responsible. God did that one himself. I don’t know, artificial insemination is starting to look like God’s handy work. God’s probably wondering what took us so long to figure that one out. All the unused potential of humanity must cause God some migraines. I mean, Joseph was a perfectly adequate option. Joe had all the necessary tools and God made the executive decision that his son was not coming from a human man.

Did God just not want to have conception via a shuddy bang up job or was it imperative she just wasn’t touched by a man?

If you’ve read the Bible cover to cover over 20 times like I have you may have gathered that the major messages are pretty similar:

  1. We are made in God’s likeness

2. We are perfectly made

3. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves

According to Christianity and the Bible, yes, that is the word of God.

Honestly, this makes me think God of the Bible is into self love in a big way. Capital question mark for what is a binary system? Seems to me God would be into loving himself first above all else as a baseline attribute. It’s a wonder the message has been misconstrued and reinvented.

Men at work

Of course the men of HIS-story made a bee-line to reinvent God for the purpose of self interest. The surrounding stories that kicked off once Eve ate that damn apple, damned us all into submission and morals alien to our original selves.

If God was even remotely impressed with men it seems like he would have let his only begotten son come from Joseph.

He clearly wasn’t and certainly not after Eve ate the apple. Let’s face it, she probably ate it to get away from Adam. He’s eerily in the background of the pictures I’ve seen. Just lurking and looking, giving off a lowkey male stalker vibe.

Heaven and hell prevails in the mind

Heaven and hell is such a brilliant work of fiction in it’s re-interpreted version. When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus, we will sing and shout for victory, because Jesus will represent the epitomy of self-love. When we see Jesus maybe we’ll see a representation of all the love we didn’t give ourselves because of restrictive societal norms. It makes sense that Jesus won’t be sifting through heaps and heaps of bullshit to get through a day in this life. It makes more sense that Jesus would be as free as those doves we associate with him.

Jesus never took a wife or a beard. How unconventional was he?

He didn’t fit into any of our social boxes. No wife, no house, child free, roaming about from pillar to post with a bunch of men, protecting prostitutes and infidels. Men surrounded him day in, day out. The closest woman we have to Jesus was the alabaster box lady who wiped his feet with her tears. That must have been an experience because it was written about in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Nobody left out that story. Top notch if you ask me!

Judas did also kiss him as a sign of betrayal. Why a kiss? Why not nod or point the finger. It’s all written exactly like this in the Bible.

How pansexual was the son of God? I’d say VERY pan and VERY proudly leading people to a better way.

He made his life all about casting judgements out. Instead he focused on encouraging people to stop judging and start living their lives like his father, God. Good old Matthew chapter 7 verse 1 says,

Judge not least ye be judged.

If God’s son is potentially pan or non-binary at least we have to consider that maybe we have out done our fictional imaginations and truly re-invented God and his son and the entire story of the Bible.

Perhaps it’s the true story of what not to be and the beckon to follow Jesus and God remains:

  1. We are all made in God’s image and likeness

2. We are all perfectly made

3. We are all meant to love our neighbors as ourselves

Sorry to leave this piece hanging but I don’t have the answers just the willingness to explore my Christian upbringing from another perspective. If you enjoyed, join me on this journey of writing about my observations on life as a human being and the designs of the world in which we live.

Share your thoughts in the comments, can’t wait to discuss!

Cheers to ears that hear, eyes that see and fingers that type.

Your gypsy - Stella Roy!



Stella Roy - looking for readers for writers

Humanist, feminist, writer/poet. I'm interested in how human susceptibilities shape the world. I explore women's stories and the human journey.