Google Ads vs. Bing Ads What’s Best for Your Brand

3 min readNov 3, 2023


Google Ads — Bing Ads

over view: Bing Ads vs. Google Ads

Google and Bing are two search engines that help brands get in touch with potential customers who are searching for info online. They look pretty much the same, but when people type in a question, they get sponsored results that have images, text, and other info. But if you take a closer look, you’ll see that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What Are the Benefits of Google Ads?

Largest Audience

Google and Bing are two search engines that help brands get in touch with potential customers who are searching for info online. Google has a huge user base — 270 million people from the US alone — and it’s the most popular website in the US, with a 61.4% market share.

Highest Conversion Rates

Search conversion rates are usually pretty low, which makes sense when you think about the size of your audience. Google usually has a 3.17% conversion rate, while Bing usually has a 2.94% conversion rate. It’s a pretty close race, but the tenths of a degree can mean a lot of sales money. One thing to keep in mind is that Bing has a higher click-through rate for finance topics because of their target audience, but more on that later.

What Are the Benefits of Bing Ads?

Google has a lot of great features, but Bing Ads has its own unique set of benefits too. Microsoft Advertising owns all three of the major sites, so when you create an account with Bing Ads, you can reach people from all three. Plus, Bing Ads is cheaper and more accurate than Google, so you can reach people you might not have seen before.

Reach Untapped Audiences

Bing users are typically more likely to be in their prime and have higher incomes, which presents a significant opportunity for some brands. Google may be the largest platform, but Bing has the financial resources. Additionally, due to the lack of competition, marketers have the potential to make a significant impact on a segment of the population that has been largely overlooked. Marketers often seek out white space and ad platforms that are undervalued, and Bing is no exception.

Less Expensive

Microsoft ads are not only more competitive, but they are also more cost-effective. The average CPC on Bing is 70% lower than on Google, which is not insignificant. For brands with a restricted search budget, Bing may be a more cost-effective option.

More Precise Targeting

Brands can use both AdWords and Google Ads to target relevant customers based on a variety of keywords, including both positive and negative ones.

How Can You Use Google Ads and Bing Ads Together?

To harness the full potential of your digital marketing strategy, integrating Google Ads and Bing Ads can be a powerful approach. While Google Ads boasts a broader reach and encompasses a larger audience, Bing Ads provides access to a unique user base. Combining the two allows you to achieve comprehensive coverage across search engine platforms. Start by identifying the strengths and demographics of each platform, and tailoring your campaigns accordingly. Utilize shared strategies such as keyword research and ad copy, but also recognize the subtle differences in audience behavior and preferences. This collaborative approach enhances your online visibility, captures a diverse audience, and ensures a more holistic and effective PPC campaign that maximizes reach and potential conversions across multiple search engines.

