— Company Shares On The Blockchain.

The Basics of Stemapp, Part 1/2
4 min readAug 20, 2018

Have you ever thought of managing all your company shares without going through a complex and expensive bureaucratic mill?

Whether you want to give away new shares to your employees, or want to manage your existing shareholder structure in a better way: now is the time to switch to, a fully digital, secure and legally compliant shareholder software solution.

In this article, you are going to learn the basics of using Stemapp and create your Company's shares portfolio on the blockchain.

Step 1 — Create A Free Account On

Visit and click on the register button. Registration is easy, just enter your basic details and you're good to go!

We assume here that you are an entrepreneur and want to register your own organization. If your organization is already on Stemapp, you will have to ask the creator of your organization to send you an invite.

Stemapp gives you a one month subscription for free. This should be enough to find out whether is a greart fit for your company and to enter the shareholder structure of your company. If you need more time or if you have any other questions, please email us:

Step 2 — Create Your Company

After your first login, you find yourself on your empty dashboard. This is an overview of everything that is happening. Here, you will later see all the shares of your employees or shareholders.

Step 3 — Get Familiar With Some Basic Stemapp Terminology

Company— Portfolio — Tokens — Wallets

Company: This is where you belong to. Your organization. You may see other companies on Stemapp if they decide to make their company publicly visible.

A portfolio is a collection of tokens and belongs to a company. You could assign a part of your total company shares to one portfolio A, and another part to another portfolio B. You can create as many portfolios as needed. You may also decide to have only a part of your entire company on the Stemapp. In this case, you might just be fine with having one portfolio.

Parts of ownership are called tokens”. One share can be split into multiple tokens, as many as needed.

A Wallet is a place where you can keep your tokens. You can also transfer and receive tokens here. There are two kinds of wallets: private wallets, and company wallets. Only company owners area allowed to access to company wallets the rest will stick to their private wallets.

Step 4 — Create Your First Portfolio

It's pretty empty without a portfolio. Create one!
In Stemapps jargon, you are now issuing tokens. Careful: you won't be able to change this amount anymore after creation, since adding tokens would lead to a decrease of the existing token value and trust in your company.
In case you don't want to give away all the tokens in the beginning, create a multiple: i.e. instead of 10 tokens, create 10.000 tokens. This leaves room for you to distribute more tokens in the future.


In this example, a portfolio value of €200.000 is distributed among 10.000 tokens. Each token therefore has a value of €20.

Stemapp has been created for complex shareholder structure demands. This can be overwhelming in the beginning. If you feel ready for this, you may also add a legal contract and enter contract rules while you create a new portfolio.

Sidenote: the portfolio you will create is publicly verifiable on the blockchain of the Stellar network!

Overview of your portfolio in your Dashboard

Step 5 — Invite Your Organization

In order to share the tokens that you created in your portfolio, you need to invite new token holders.

Go to the companies and click on the settings of your company:

Click on the settings to invite more people

Next, invite your employees or co-owners in the participants section.

Overview of all participants and invitation

That's it for today. Have fun getting started or read more about sharing your tokens with others.

If you have any questions about the use of Stemapp, please feel free to contact us anytime: (or just leave your comment below).

Nathan Alder, Ambassador of



Written by

Stem is an online shareholder app that enables private companies to create and manage their own shareholder portfolio securely on the blockchain.

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