STEMI milestones in 2018

STEMI education
3 min readJan 10, 2019


Let’s take a look at what we’ve been up to in the last year.

Last year was a year of technological and business development, a year of great influence on young people throughout Croatia, and soon the world.

We contributed to the younger members of our society through workshops, projects, summer and winter camps, and, of course, through a product that was carefully designed to bring anyone into the world of creation, robotics, and programming.

The year 2018 was marked with the completion of our product — the new STEMI Hexapod robot — and its placement on the market.

This time, the product includes a brand new, more elaborate curriculum that now consists of 3D modeling, mobile application development, programming, touch sensors, programmable LEDs and voice controlling of the robot.

One more feature is coming soon and that is a sensor layer that will open the door for additional engagement.

Website and packaging have also been brought to a much higher level in order to enhance the holistic experience of the robot and the process of learning.

STEMI Hexapod robot 2018

Without direct work with young people, the development of this kind of product is not possible.

Through the project Croatia creates, we have traveled throughout Croatia and have been hosting motivational lectures on entrepreneurship for elementary school kids in more than 20 locations.

Who wants to be an engineer?

With the help of sponsors, we donated the equipment to schools and launched more than 100 programming clubs.

Working with young people has never been limited to Croatia. On many occasions, countries near Croatia would also be involved. One example of it is a robotics camp in Petnica and Osijek.

The results of supporting young people can already be seen. Highschoolers from Mundus have recently won the first and second prize at two prestigious competitions in Croatia and the region — Good Game and Idea Knockout.

In a world-class competition in Japan which was a part of the Transum Innovation Fair in Tokyo, STEMI stood out from the crowd with our hands-on approach to education and we won the prize for best pitch and an idea! There were self-driving vehicles, electric bikes and many other ideas for the future. Our result was published by the biggest Japanese media house Nikkei which immediately brought a lot of interest to our robots in Japan.

PwC awarded STEMI for best pitch and an idea

And as a cherry on top of a successful year, we signed a contract of cooperation with a US company Milestone C from Connecticut. Together, we will start implementing a pilot project in the United States schools that will begin introducing and implementing the most modern STEM curriculum.

What is left to say is a bit about our plans for 2019, which are quite big and ambitious. We are planning to expand our presence on the world market, enter the US schools with our product and curricula, new products are on the way and STEMI robotic workshops are starting.

