Visualization: Unlocking the Power Within

Mwangi wa Wambui
5 min readJul 18, 2023


As human beings, we encounter challenges that our current knowledge and abilities cannot solve. I became an orphan in my early teenage years and was raised in my uncle’s family after that. I became the ‘other’ in this family and always fought my battles alone. I had so many unmet needs and learned to live without stuff. I remember collecting an oversized pair of shoes dumped outside an apartment that one of my city aunties rented during my visit there. It was so big that I put on clothes material at the innermost edge to hold my toes and a few layers of inner soles to walk in them.

Image by Mwasszlah on deviant art.

I wore that shoe for three years of high school, despite my classmates laughing at me frequently and some friends bearing the shame of being seen with me around them. So, how did I live wearing an old oversized shoe for many years? Deep inside my heart, it did not bother me. I was glad I had a pair of shoes and lived like I had a nice one till the day I bought a new one. That is when I experienced the warmth and comfort of having a well-sized brand new shoe.

I am old and have learned I struggled with generational problems I must confront for my children to live well. Superstition and witchcraft are just a couple of them, and their impact, especially on one’s financial situation, is far-reaching. Growing up orphaned and in a poor family attracts superstition and witchcraft attacks even more. Worse, if one emerges as the most educated and talented in a family or village. In my struggles, I learned that mental visualization helped solve my problems, including superstitious beliefs and revealed witchcraft attacks.

Mental Visualizationment.

Mental visualization is creating vivid and detailed images within the mind. Most of the time, we do visualization unconsciously, especially when we desire a state or something, by imagining us already having it. Therefore, it involves harnessing the power of imagination to construct a mental canvas where aspirations, goals, and desires take shape. In my experience, doing it consciously helps steer life in the desired direction. By envisioning the future we want, we can stimulate our subconscious mind to work towards manifesting those visions in reality.

Importance of Mental Visualization

Visualization plays a crucial role in shaping our reality and unlocking our potential. Here are key reasons why mental visualization is essential:

1. Clarifying Goals and Aspirations

Visualization allows us to define our goals with clarity. We better understand our desires and aspirations by creating a detailed mental image of our goals.

2. Enhancing Focus and Motivation

When we consistently visualize our goals, we align our thoughts and intentions with our desired outcomes. This enhanced focus and motivation drive us to take purposeful actions towards achieving our goals.

3. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Visualization helps us challenge and overcome limiting beliefs that may hinder our progress. By consistently imagining ourselves achieving our goals, we build a positive mindset and develop a strong faith in our abilities.

4. Activating the Subconscious Mind

The power of visualization lies in its ability to activate the subconscious mind. As we immerse ourselves in detailed mental imagery, our subconscious mind begins seeking opportunities and paths that align with our visions, paving the way for their realization.

5. Manifesting Desired Outcomes

By consistently visualizing our desired outcomes, we attract the resources, circumstances, and people that align with our visions. This alignment propels us towards manifesting our dreams and turning them into reality.

Small Steps for Effective Visualization

Over the years, I have encountered many materials that teach about the power of our mind and how visualizing taps to the most potential functionality of our brains. As a result, I have built a tendency to visualize every time I encounter a problem. Doing it is easy.

  1. First, one must see the problem.

2. Second, one should visualize himself or herself doing something about it.

3. Lastly, one should visualize the desired outcome state.

Seeing things work out well after a dedicated visualisation session is beautiful. It is even more miraculous when you see positive results in others that you decided to help ut by visualizing. Now, here are small steps that can help us cultivate this practice:

1. Define Your Goals with Clarity

Write down your goals and be as specific as possible. The more vividly you can imagine your desired outcome, the more influential the visualization process becomes.

2. Create a Daily Visualization Routine

Set aside a few minutes each day for visualization exercises. Find a quiet space where you can relax and focus your mind. Close your eyes and immerse yourself in the mental images that reflect your goals.

3. Engage Your Senses

In your visualizations, involve all your senses. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations associated with achieving your goals. This multisensory experience enhances the realism of your mental imagery.

4. Cultivate Unwavering Belief

Embrace a positive mindset and let go of doubts or limiting beliefs. Cultivate unwavering belief in the possibility of your dreams. Trust that your visualization practice will manifest in due time.

5. Take Inspired Action

Visualization alone is not enough. Use the motivation and clarity derived from your mental imagery to take tangible steps toward your goals. Embrace opportunities, seek knowledge, and persevere in the face of challenges.

Visualization is a transformative practice that empowers individuals to shape their reality and unlock their true potential. By harnessing the power of mental imagery, we can clarify our goals, enhance focus and motivation, overcome limiting beliefs, and manifest our desired outcomes. By taking small steps and integrating visualization into our daily lives, we can create a compelling future and transform our dreams into reality.




Mwangi wa Wambui

A researcher, educator, father, and writer. I am an Environmental Manager and a researcher by profession. I love life. I study life.