Design and realization of organ MIDI controller

Štěpán Dvořáček
3 min readMay 21, 2016

This is a brief summary of my bachelor thesis dealing with a specific MIDI controller being able to control Hammond organ simulation GSI Vb3.

I reused vintage Hammond M3 parts for the switches and drawbar knobs. The drawbars are custom made and are connected to linear potentiometers.

The chassis is made from 1,5mm thick aluminium metal sheet. The parts have been cut by laser. Top panel and end cheeks are made from walnut. The keybed is Fatar TP8O.

The electronics utilizes MIDI CPU and Doepfer MKE microcontrollers. There are three pedal iunputs: Sustain, Expression and one assignable analog input.

All photos have been taken by Martin Dvořáček.

Hammond B3
Leslie 122
CAD model
Sheet metal bending scheme
Drawbars / Auxiliary metal parts
Fatar TP8O / Formed M4 thread
Wooden parts
Electrical scheme
Final result

