Apple Is Already Using iOS 7 Icon Grid System For Its Products

Stephane Rangaya
1 min readJul 9, 2013

John Gruber and Christa Mrgan discusses of this in the latest episode of The Talk Show.

The shape of the Apple TV is surprisingly close to the shape of the icon’s grid system. Looking at the Apple TV from the top is almost as looking at an iOS icon.
Even though the Mac mini is not following the general shape of the icon’s grid system, the shape of the removable panel on the bottom is exactly the same size than the outer circle of the grid.
This is not surprising at all. Apple is often using the golden ratio in its design (the iCloud icon is a great example).The golden ratio is also present in this grid system. The red shape’s width divided by the green shape’s width equals to the golden ratio (about 1.61).

I used the iOS 7 grid system template from

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