uReveal Clipper

A widget for seamless concept creations

Stephanie Liao
5 min readOct 29, 2016

To learn about our data gathering process, please read part one of our journey.


Jayanth Prathipati, Stephanie Liao, Clare Carroll, Nora Tane, Neeraj Verma

Our team worked collaboratively on all parts of our class assignment.


Walking the Wall

Our affinity diagram after our team walked the wall.
Our preferred flow model that our team envisioned.
The cultural model that we created from our interview data.

From the models we created from our data, we walked the wall and developed some insights, key issues and questions.

Hot ideas

  • Use analytics and users’ previous search for personalization to recommend searches
  • Show example case study based on your field
  • Presentation mode for concepts
  • Share data sets with granular privacy preferences
  • Allow users to view and copy and comment other users’ concepts and models
  • Widget in other tools to pull in data or tag things as part of concepts in uReveal
  • Create a collaborative team portal
  • Template users’ cleaning processing with version control capabilities
  • Give a model clean data set to the program so the program can clean future data sets based on the model
  • Use data visualization to allow for easier searching
  • Feed of new research based on a topic
  • Use example work to show other similar works and works cited
  • Note taking to annotate your work

Key issues

  • Reducing redundant data cleaning and analysis
  • Facilitating knowledge transfer
  • Facilitating collaboration
  • Lack of clear documentation
  • Standardization with customization in processes
  • Integrate current best data sources
  • Barrier to entry for tool use should be low


  • What does collaboration mean to different people?
  • What is a good entry point into this software?
  • How are solutions to research questions determined?
  • What current tools/processes do researchers use now?
  • What things do people learn without training?
  • How do you deal with intrinsic knowledge on collaborative platforms?

From these ideas, issues, and questions, we ran a couple of improvisation visioning sessions to help us develop our ideas.


From the visions that we developed, we created a couple of storyboards and returned to our original interviewees to get their feedback on our ideas.

From here, we picked out the idea that resonated with our interviewees the most, and described the problem and the solution that we chose in detail.

The Problem

What is the problem?

From our research with academics at Carnegie Mellon University, we found that organizing literature into different concepts was a huge pain point. Additionally, academics emphasized the importance of staying up to date on research in their fields and building their own research project on top of existing knowledge. It is hard to organize literature into different concepts and challenging to find relevant papers. For example, researchers have commonly found papers that are related to each other in subject, but are not connected through citation lists.

Why is this an important need?

In our research, academics have mentioned that organizing and searching literature manually is time consuming. Additionally, staying up to date on research in their respective fields is extremely important. According to the American Psychological association, this process takes approximately 6 months. We propose to make this process faster, more efficient, and comprehensive by integrating present research processes with uReveal’s existing assets.

Our Solution

Our proposed solution

Our proposed solution is a uReveal widget (uReveal Clipper) that operates within other sources researchers currently use to search literature and concepts. These sources include Google Scholar, other search engines, journal websites, and databases. This widget will operate on the document and the excerpt level, so that researchers can tag documents and quotations of interest with specific concepts. This content will be added to their concepts in uReveal’s application, and the researcher can then continue to search uReveal’s already available content to flesh out these concepts. Researchers will have a seamless way to organize literature into concepts and stay up to date and informed about research in their fields.

How will our solution address the need?

The uReveal Clipper will allow users to seamlessly manage the sources they already use and documents and excerpts. In addition, this tool will help with more complicated searches and expose hidden relationships between their literature that aren’t easy to find. Right now, researches find relevant literature by searching many different sources and following citations from other papers, but not every relevant paper is connected via citations.

Is our solution feasible?

Our solution is feasible from both uReveal’s and the user’s perspective. For uReveal, this solution requires little change to the existing workflow and would only require designing and developing an extra plugin to link up with uReveal. The financial commitment from uReveal to implement this solution would be low. For users, there is low resistance to existing workflow. Users can use their existing tools and sources (i.e., “must have” databases) and easily introduce uReveal into their workflow.

See our final poster here.

