Andrew Ogden: Dancer, Outdoorsman, and Homeschool Student“There are a lot of good things happening and good people in the world.”Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018
Wyatt Lindquist: Frisbee Player Entrepreneur“We’re about to be incorporated. I just have to get the stuff from the IRS.”Sep 27, 20181Sep 27, 20181
Jean Azar-Tanguay: Daughter of Two Dads, Change Maker, Girl Scout“I think it’s just really cool that I was conceived in a glass dish.”Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018
Preston Ku: Violist, Second-Generation Immigrant”We make a lot of meaningful connections.”Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018
Andrew Yu: Computer Whiz, Entrepreneur, Musician“There is always something to aspire to in everybody I’ve met.”Sep 27, 20181Sep 27, 20181
Dominique Leibman: Activist, Consensus Builder“This cannot happen in school. We cannot silence victims.”Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018