One more week!

Stephanie Batres
1 min readApr 26, 2017


Well good morning or good evening! This post is just to basically keep you updated. So in one week, April 21,2017, my project will be over. Yeah, I know, so sad right? Well I just wanted to also tell you guys that this week everything went good. I didn’t make a mistake, thankfully. Also I just wanted to tell everyone because I thought it would be important but ever since this project started I have started to lose my appetite easily and basically just get full fast. But to be honest I’m sorta happy about that due to just eating healthier and better because I know what will make me more active and stuff instead of craving more food and stuff later on the day. I also started drinking fruit shakes every morning as breakfast to start a good day and a bright morning. Thank you for reading this have a good evening.

See you guys later,

