Rogue Masters of Online Games

5 min readAug 24, 2022


“There are nine werewolves in front of us. We can’t get through. Even if there are two, there may be casualties. Now there are nine!” Harley said. People smell speech change “color”, nine? But they know that a werewolf is already very difficult for them, and now suddenly there are nine werewolves, what should they do? Go back? No one spoke for a moment, but Tom looked at Xia Feng and said, “Brother Xia, I don’t know if there is a good way.” He wanted to see Xia Feng make a fool of himself until he hung back, so now Harley felt that Xia Feng could never fight the nine-headed werewolf alone, but Tom suddenly asked. The crowd could not help looking at Xia Feng, and Sarah and Leah and Xia Xue naturally knew what Tom meant, and the three girls could not help glaring at each other. Harley saw the three girls’ bad expressions and immediately said, “Oh, forget it, this is not what we can pass now!” “ Xia Feng smiled and said, “Now that we’ve come here, wouldn’t it be a pity to give up?” “Alas, what can I do? If there are three or four heads, I dare to try it once. But there are too many now. It’s absolutely impossible to pass. Why do we have to break through when we know it’s a matter of group destruction?” Hadley shook his head and said, and the mood of the crowd immediately became depressed. Is there a better way for the summer brothers? Or try it with Chinese Kung Fu? Tom said again with a slight sneer. Summer wind sniffed at Tom’s instigation, what goad law has no effect on himself, summer wind if you don’t want to help this Harley is absolutely not here to stay for a second,ceramic bobbin heater, it is because they have other purposes will come here, as for these people summer wind and summer snow they asked, they are almost all foreign students who come to Huff to study abroad. Therefore, it will not involve the forces of the beautiful country. Xia Feng is interested in this point, and as for the development of the beautiful country, Xia Feng knows that it still needs the support of Chinese players, so what he needs to do now is to sound the alarm bell for Chinese players. Looking at Tom’s proud smile, Xia Feng slightly raised the corners of his mouth,Ceramic Core Immersion Heaters, Xia Xue suddenly smiled, she knew best what her brother’s smile represented, this is the source of his brother’s self-confidence, every time such a smile appeared, his brother would show amazing strength. Sarah immediately stepped forward and said, “Tom, don’t go too far, OK?”? How to say that he is also Cher’s brother, so you are not afraid of the left guard to retaliate against you? Tom is stupefied, he did not think of salad unexpectedly also can say good words to Xia Feng, so more angry to Xia Feng, ha ha a smile, way: “What am I afraid of?”? I did not pursue Xia Xue, I just tell the truth, presumably all the people here do not want to give up the task, right? “You!” Salad was unable to refute for a moment and could only retreat with a snort. And Xia Feng said, steatite c221 ,ceramic igniter electrodes, “It doesn’t matter. Since everyone wants to get through this task, it’s not impossible for me to make a fool of myself, but I want a condition!” Harley was surprised, not that Xia Feng said he wanted conditions, but that Xia Feng showed confidence, but nine werewolves in front of him, each with strong strength, are not what players can deal with now, even Tom’s gold equipment can not defeat a werewolf, even if Xia Feng’s technology is very good. But the nine-headed werewolf still didn’t believe that Xia Feng could handle it by himself. Tom seemed to be on the line with Xia Feng. “Come on,” he said, “I just want the last piece of gold equipment.” Xia Feng now knows what it means to seize the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Now Tom is completely a jealous jar. Such people are often very narrow-minded, and their vanity is very strong, so Xia Feng will never let him join his plan. Looking at Harley, he said, “If I can, I want the whole team to follow my orders, so I can make sure I can hit the last boss!” The crowd was in an uproar and obeyed his orders? Surely Tom would be the first to disagree? Hadley thought for a moment, since it was dead anyway, why not try it? Even if you obey the order of the summer wind, you can’t lose anything in the end? Because it is impossible for everyone to go back now, so the worst result before and after is the destruction of the group, but if we let this summer command, there may be a glimmer of hope. So Harley was ready to agree to Xia Feng’s request, but Tom did not agree. He immediately stopped him and said, “No, how can the lives of more than a dozen people in a guild be given to a stranger?”? Isn’t that too much of a joke? Everyone nodded, yes, their own team has been several months, completely brought up by Harley boss and Tom, now suddenly want to let the whole team listen to a completely unknown person, how can they be convinced? Harley looked at the crowd and then looked at Tom and said, “Then you say that if you still obey my orders, then the result is the destruction of the group, which is a hundred percent thing, but since people have broken through this copy, and have some experience, why can’t you try?”? And it’s just for you to listen for a while. Why are you so extreme? Do you know my temper compared with me and Harley from the team to now? So I don’t want to talk nonsense, because I don’t want to stop here like this. I need to succeed, and everyone needs to succeed, so try sex! All the people are quiet down, even Tom also no longer speak, in fact, Harley in the whole team or prestige, although usually he is very easy to approach, but the summer wind can see that his prestige in the whole team is far higher than Tom. After everyone had no opinion, Harley gave the captain of the team to Xia Feng, while Tom looked like he was watching a good show. He absolutely did not believe that Xia Feng could take more than a dozen people to break through the nine-headed werewolves in front of him, so he would have a chance to hit him if the group was destroyed. Chapter 416 shocked the audience. Chapter 416 shocked the audience. And Sarah and Leah looked at Xia Feng with an incredible face. What did his confidence come from? You want to fight a nine-headed werewolf with a whiteboard? This is not as simple as nine white wolves,ceramic bobbin element, four white wolves is enough to let him burn, although his technology did not say, but that there must be a moderate.

