Stephen Adebola
2 min readOct 8, 2023


The Evolution of Device Interaction in the Age of Generative AI


The rapid advancements in generative AI are not just changing the software landscape but are also prompting a re-evaluation of the very devices we’ve come to rely on. A recent caption from The Economist, “So long iPhone. Generative AI needs a new device,” encapsulates this sentiment. But what does this shift entail?

The Thumb’s Reign:

For over a decade, the thumb has been the primary tool of interaction with our most personal of devices. Smartphones and tablets, with their touch interfaces, have made communication, entertainment, and productivity mobile and intuitive. Yet, they’ve also limited us in ways we’ve only just begun to understand.

A Return to Natural Interaction:

Generative AI is ushering in an era where we can communicate with machines just as we do with humans: using natural language. This shift negates the need for touch-based interaction, emphasizing voice, gesture, and even thought as potential mediums.

The Decline of the Tablet:

With the diminishing need for touch, traditional tablets may soon find themselves obsolete. Instead, we might see the rise of ambient devices, smart glasses, and even neural interfaces that prioritize seamless, natural interaction over manual input.

The Promise of Human-AI Synergy:

This evolution isn’t about replacing one device with another but about reimagining how humans and machines coexist. It’s about devices that understand context, emotion, and intent, fostering a synergy where each enhances the other’s capabilities.


As we stand on the brink of this transformative period, one thing is clear: the devices of tomorrow will be nothing like what we’ve known. They’ll be extensions of our senses, thoughts, and desires, reshaping our relationship with technology.


I invite you to join me in exploring this evolving landscape further. How do you envision the future of human-device interaction? Share your thoughts and insights as we navigate this exciting frontier together.



Stephen Adebola

Understanding consciousness & propagating intelligence in the universe