Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Regime…

Stephen J Newhouse
1 min readJan 3, 2016


This is a rough draft and a work in progress…

Sharing how I “attempt” to manage my Multiple Sclerosis. It’s a bit hit-and-miss, but I’m not on any medication and have not had a “major” relapse since the initial diagnosis.

The Basic Plan of Attack

  • Vitamin D (10,000 IU), Vitamin K, Vitamin B Complex (all the B’s at a high recommended daily allowance)
  • Fish Oils (Omega 3,6,9)
  • Cut out Coffee & Alcohol
  • Green Tea & Ginseng
  • Eat Home Cooked Food (no MSG): ++Nuts, Fruit, Raw Veg.
  • Exercise: Cardio and Core and Stretching (3/week)
  • Keep Cool : Ceiling Fans Everywhere & Cool Showers
  • Rest & De-Stress

I’ll be adding links to where I buy my Vitamins soon…Vit D and K added. Just click above!

Night Time Tingles and Numbness in my fingers and arms: These started to get really bad about a year or two ago. The worsening correlated with work stress, travelling on the HOT London Tube, and my love of Coffee and a slight lapse in the “No Alcohol” rule I had set myself…and God Knows what else.

After some general reading (I don't have links to references, sorry) and self-experimentation, I found that taking 3–4 capsules of a high dose Omega 3,6,9 and sleeping naked with the fan on reduced the severity and number of episodes — often down to none a week! This worked for me. Give it a try and let me know.

More soon….

