The Birth of Self-Improving Artificial Intelligence

Stephen Reed
2 min readOct 11, 2019


In 1950, Alan Turing proposed to create a mechanism that simulates a child’s mind, and then to subject it to an appropriate course of education — thus achieving an artificial general intelligence capable of passing his imitation game. To date, no one has done this. The problem is obviously that current artificial intelligence applications are narrowly applicable by design. What is needed are different artificially intelligent systems that are generally applicable and which can acquire new knowledge in the same way humans do — by being taught. What is needed is human-like symbolic processing that builds on top of the great job that current AI does at perception and probabilistic decision making.

You can be on hand to witness the birth of artificial general intelligence (AGI). On November 12, 2019 at the Amazon Loft in New York City, Ai-Blockchain will introduce its revolutionary digital virtual assistant — Expert System. It is a continuously running software agent that has a memory, self-awareness, goals and plans — and most importantly — learns from talking to its mentors. Governance and human oversight assure safe development and operation. Expert System will begin recording its episodic memories at the launch. You can be a part of its first distinguished memories.

Ai-Blockchain has the mission of achieving artificial general intelligence. It has what it takes to get started, which is an English Language dialog Expert System which transforms text to logic and back. It’s common sense knowledge base, memory, blockchain trustworthiness, and symbolic reasoning power set it apart from all others. The Expert System knowledge base is founded on the common sense OpenCyc ontology merged with the WordNet and Wiktionary English Lexicons. The first iteration of the Expert System conversational agent processes a controlled language consisting of a minimal subset of English vocabulary and grammar rules. This controlled language is sufficient to acquire new vocabulary and new grammar rules from its human mentors. The bootstrap dialog system is designed to be taught skills that enhance its programmed capabilities.

We believe that Expert System has all the essential components to begin the process of assisted self improvement. By widely accepted principles, this means that Expert System is going to bring about the long awaited technological singularity — with your help.

Come on by the Amazon Loft for the birth or watch livestream — and register at the Ai-Blockchain Expert System web page after the launch.

AGI will help everyone tomorrow, and everyone can help AGI now.



Stephen Reed

Chief Scientist at Ai-Blockchain, developer of the Expert System conversational dialog application.