Learn How to do EFT Tapping Right Now — EFT Basic Recipe

Learn and practice a powerful new technique. It is easy and quick to learn.

Stephen Duffy
9 min readJul 26, 2019


It is so easy to learn, it’s even called the “EFT Basic Recipe”!

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and has been shown to be effective for; stress or anxiety, phobias, physical pain, addictions and cravings, weight loss, peak performance issues, as well as any limiting beliefs such as; not feeling good enough or fear of failure. EFT is an evidence based scientific approach, with currently over 100 research articles published in peer-reviewed journals showing its benefits.

For the purpose of this article, I will keep it simple. I should say that while there are advanced EFT techniques, with more tapping points than those described here. But this article is only about the Basic Recipe and how you can use it for yourself. Thanks to Gary Craig, for developing EFT in the 1990’s, and the Basic Recipe.

Practitioners are recommended for more complex issues, or, when you get stuck.

Now, let’s get into it. In this article, we will explore chocolate cravings and use this as our example to explain the Basic Recipe.

EFT Tapping consists of two parts; tapping and talking.



Stephen Duffy

Hi, I write about using EFT to tackle stress, anger, low-self esteem and overwhelm. And about my own experiences. Sure aren’t we all a work-in-progress?