On Being Deflated

Stephen Anspach
2 min readMay 15, 2018


We all get deflated sometimes. When life gets overwhelming or we have a string of bad luck, it’s not uncommon to start feeling down. A wonderful woman who was a very positive influence on my life at a young age was fond of saying “Worry is like a rocking chair; it’s something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.” These are wise and insightful words, and we can apply them to feeling deflated too: sometimes it feels cathartic to allow ourselves to be consumed by our wistfulness, but doing so doesn’t accomplish anything useful.

The only solution is to forge ahead. Cast aside your massive, overwhelming to-do list and just tackle the single most obvious task that’s staring you in the face. Also, step away from what’s troubling you and head outside for a while. Nature has healing power, and engaging with it can help one gain a new perspective and clarify the big picture.

These steps are akin to plugging a hole in a leaky tire. Once you’ve done them, you can reinflate and get back on your way, often faster and more confidently than you did before.

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Stephen Anspach

Traveler, skier, philomath. Relentlessly curious. ちょっと日本語。