“Tales I Tell Myself” Vol.12

Stephen Blackford
7 min readJul 7, 2024

Hooray! Elon Musk buys Twitter! So why are MY left so worried about free speech?

Welshpool, 3rd August 2022 (Author’s Collection)

Tuesday 26th April 2022

“Twitter Watch Vol.10"
Hooray! Elon Musk buys Twitter! So why are MY left so worried about free speech?

Well it sure has been yet another strange week both inside and outside of The Matrix. Or the real or unreal world if you prefer. The “free speech absolutist” has bought Twitter and the general reaction from fellow human beings on the left side of political history appear apoplectic with rage! How dare someone buy a private company and instantly proclaim that freedom of speech is King? What is this man, some kind of Fascist? The ticking time bomb of our topsy turvy world is a carnival of the bizarre and the very defenders of our human or, if you prefer, God given, inalienable rights (bodily autonomy, freedom of assembly and freedom of speech), the political Left, MY left, are threatening to leave the social media platform. These defenders of free speech have been duped into being a Hunter S Thompson defined “rube”, screaming for their free speech and not for that very human dignity, and inalienable right, for everyone else.

Not very politically “left”, is it?

There are many and varied reasons for this, numerous of which have been explored by your humble Matrix narrator in other editions and articles within the archives here. But we’re all adults here. We know intuitively that regardless of our ages we’ve been lied to for our entire lives. The digital, internet or Matrix age of the 21st Century has seen a further warping of what can be construed as real, or fake(d) news, debunked, exposed and now “fact checked”. You, dear reader, are your own fact checker. You do not need an Orwellian censor cloaked in a fancy, if dreadful, job title, telling you that a fact has been checked for authenticity. What larks.

My continuing question of “who fact checks the fact checkers?” is growing lamer every time I use it, however the grain of truth could perhaps becoming grain, plural? And in ever larger numbers. Who funds the fact checkers could perhaps be a more pertinent question? Regardless, the very implication of a fact checker suggests a truth or narrative must be created, storied and then defended.

Whatever happened to the (cliché alert) “free flow of information”?

From “Tales I Tell Myself” (Author’s Collection)
From “Tales I Tell Myself” (Author’s Collection)

In other news, the vexatious, vacuous vermin that populate our vaudevillian freak show have been hard at work again. Here in the UK we’ve had a ludicrous tabloid headline equating a Labour MP deliberately trying to seduce Prime Minister Boris Johnson with a crossing of her “Basic Instinct” legs and all the while the obnoxious and dangerous buffoon that is Boris Johnson, travelled to India for a trade deal and ostensibly to hide from a report on his corruption and law breaking, and his lies and deceit and the incredible and incalculable pain he inflicted upon the citizens of the UK, and a report and full Police inquiry lest we forget, that will be published after the coming local Elections.


Isn’t that the kind of action expected of a faraway despotic Banana Republic?

Across the English Channel in France, Emmanuel Macron (Liberal) won a second term as President, despite being roundly despised by a majority of the country and wishing to “piss off the unvaccinated”. Coupled with the week in, week out demonstrations that have covered his country for months on end (but never covered in the Legacy Media) and the draconian insistence on the Green/Health/Covid “Passport” and the harshest of lock downs, it hardly screams “liberal”, does it?. But the chosen one is, well, the chosen one. He’s a member of George Carlin’s “Big Club” and the one you ain’t ever going to be in.

The simple word “Rigged” trended on Twitter apparently, but wait until you find out that Margaret Thatcher was pushed out by the very same club for not following the rules before they installed a lame duck in John Major before their next chosen one, Tony Blair, was installed on the throne in 1997. The colours of the political rosette matter not a jot, but when you’re in the club, you follow the rules. The People’s Party leader thought it fine and dandy to kill and maim countless hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s in an illegal war, leaving a deadly and evil legacy for generations to come before he made way for another club member Gordon Brown. Theresa May’s own lame duck flew away quickly, to be replaced by another smiling assassin in David Cameron and here we are today with Boris Johnson, another member of the club you see but dare not acknowledge, because doing so splits your entire life and world view into a thousand pieces.

Rigged you say?

Oh no, it’s far, far deeper and darker than that.

From “Tales I Tell Myself” (Author’s Collection)
From “Tales I Tell Myself” (Author’s Collection)

It’s been a difficult week or so since last I compiled my ramblings on the Twitter madhouse. I’ve also miraculously managed to not splurge these personal details into the dark void of The Matrix. So I’ve reverted to the tried and trusted method of writing my way out of the twisted strands of an emotional mind. Films have been consumed, one very special one with my beautiful teenage son, and the bread and circus of sport has been used more readily as a crutch than usual. Here in the UK we currently have the aesthetically pleasing and rather old fashioned spectacle of the World Snooker Championships, and a yearly throwback to religiously watching this with my parents oh so many generations ago. My interest will wane with the departure of Ronnie “The Rocket” O’Sullivan, another of sport’s rare club of human beings that transcend and reinvent their own sport, and hopefully the genius with a snooker cue goes the distance.

Come on The Rocket!

Baseball is back and English cricket have a new captain to anoint and another disappointing cricketing Summer lies ahead as they shambolically stumble from one sporting crisis to the next. My football team is at the very apex of incredible world breaking feats or last minute heart breaking failure, and if you’re a Russian tennis player you can’t play at Wimbledon this year, because, well, they’re a “Big Club” too. Unless you’re a Russian. And it’s politically expedient to back the Government and the shadowy other big club.

There’s nothing new under the sun and the cultural world is eating itself.

It would seem that cannabis friendly Elon Musk has the munchies.

Could you pass the popcorn please?


Longer term readers will be aware of the unrequited love I have for Elon Musk and I can confirm that he still hasn’t returned any of my telephone calls. Perhaps he’s been busy? I’m still holding out for a hero and I’m still holding out the hope that “True Romance” loving Elon Musk is going to be a Clarence Worley rather than a Drexl Spivey. Over a piece of pie, and as we stare longingly into each others eyes I’ll know, for certain, that the man who’s inventing electric cars we need hundreds of years of infrastructure to accommodate and not the 12/13 years scheduled by the lunatics, is a good for humanity, rather than the Bond villain fronting for the “Big Club” he must be a member of. For Mr Musk also sends tens of thousands of satellites into the earth’s orbit, bathing the planet in an ever increasing electrical soup and fog and, perhaps most crucially of all, we’ll stare lovingly into each others eyes and he’ll confirm that his Neuralink microchipping company has no plans, ever, to relinquish control of this dystopian technology for use on everyone, as we tiptoe our way down a steep, goose fat lined slope into a species ending transhumanist hell.

At least we have the freedom of speech on his social media platform to ask him that very question.

Viva humanity.

Beautiful Berriew near Welshpool and “Best Kept Village in Wales” 1970, 1972, 1989 and 1990, 3rd August 2022 (Author’s Collection)
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CZKZP28D (Author’s Collection)
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CZKZP28D (Author’s Collection)

Thanks for reading. I hope this message in a bottle in The Matrix finds you well, prospering, and the right way up in an upside down world.



Stephen Blackford

Father, Son and occasional Holy Goat too. https://linktr.ee/theblackfordbookclub I always reciprocate the kindness of a follow.