Starbucks Capstone Project

Stephen Blystone
16 min readDec 31, 2019


Starbucks Cup with Coffee Beans
Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash


This is my capstone project for the Udacity Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree. The full source code can be found on my GitHub. Udacity partnered with Starbucks Coffee to provide a real-world business problem and simulated data mimicking their customer behavior.

Problem Domain

As a father of twin toddlers, I am a frequent Starbucks customer. When they wake up in the middle of the night, I need caffeine to function the next day. Starbucks has a Rewards program that allows me to earn points for purchases. There is also a phone app for their Rewards program where they send me exclusive personalized offers based on my spending habits.

This project is focused on tailoring those personalized offers to the customers who are most likely to use them. The Machine Learning terminology for this is “propensity modeling”.

“Propensity models are often used to identify the customers most likely to respond to an offer”. -Gary Childs (

Problem Statement

We want to determine which kind of offer, if any, to send to each customer based on their purchases and interaction with the previously sent offers. Some customers do not want to receive offers and might be turned off by them, so we want to avoid sending offers to those customers.

Datasets and Inputs

For this project I will be using the dataset provided by Starbucks. The data consists of 3 files containing simulated data that mimics customer behavior on the Starbucks Rewards mobile app. It was captured over a 30-day period.

  1. Portfolio.json contains information about the offers. There are a total of 10 offers. This file contains the following columns:
  • The reward given in dollars for completing an offer.
  • The channels (email, mobile, social, web) the offer was sent on.
  • The difficulty, i.e. the minimum dollar amount the customer must spend to complete an offer.
  • The duration the offer lasts in days.
  • The offer type (BOGO, discount, or informational).
  • The unique id for the specific offer.
Complete Portfolio Data

2. Profile.json contains demographic information about the customers. There are a total of 17,000 customer profiles listed. The columns are:

  • The gender of the customer. This can be M (Male), F (Female), O (Other), or None if they did not provide a gender.
  • The age of the customer. If no age is provided the birth year defaults to 1900. Since this data is from 2018, the default age is 118.
  • The id of the specific customer.
  • The date they became a member on in format YYYYMMDD.
  • The income of the customer, or NaN if none provided.
First 5 rows of customer information in Profile

3. Transcript.json contains information about a customer’s purchases and their interaction with the offers. There are 306,534 events recorded. The columns are:

  • The person’s unique customer id.
  • The type of event. Either a “transaction” if the customer made a purchase, “offer received” if they received an offer, “offer viewed” if they viewed the offer, or “offer completed” if they successfully completed an offer.
  • The value is a dictionary with values depending on the type of event. It contains the ‘amount’ spent if “transaction” event, the ‘offer id’ if “offer received” or “offer viewed”, or the ‘offer id’ and ‘reward’ if “offer completed”.
  • The time is the time in hours since the start of this test. This value ranges between 0 and 714 (i.e. ~30 days)
Random sampling of 5 events in Transcript

I confirmed that the dataset is balanced by looking at the value counts for all Transcript events:

Transcript event value counts to confirm dataset is balanced

We are primarily concerned with whether a customer completes an offer they have received. To determine the percentage completed we can use the following equation:

Calculation to determine if dataset is balanced

This means that 55.79% of the customers completed their offers, while 44.03% received offers but did not complete them. These percentages are close enough to consider this a balanced dataset.

Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering

  1. Portfolio Dataset
  • One-Hot Encode the channels column.
  • One-Hot Encode the offer_type column.
  • Rename id to id_offer.
  • Reorder columns so id_offer is first, for display purposes only.
Complete Portfolio after cleaning

2. Profile Dataset

  • Remove customers with missing data (gender is None, age is 118, and income is NaN). I verified that whenever a customer left one of these optional fields blank, they left all three of them blank.
  • Calculate number of days the customer has been a member.
  • Store the year the customer became a member on (temporarily for graphing purposes).
  • One-Hot Encode the customer’s age into buckets by decade (10 to 19, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, etc.)
  • One-Hot Encode the customer’s gender.
  • Rename id to id_customer.
  • Reorder columns so id_customer is first, for display purposes only.
First 5 rows of cleaned Profile

3. Transcript Dataset

  • Rename person to id_customer.
  • One-Hot Encode events.
  • Get ‘offer id’ from value column dictionary and place in new column id_offer.
  • Get ‘amount’ from value column dictionary and place in new column trans_amt.
Last 5 rows of cleaned Transcript

Exploratory Data Analysis

Below are the things I observed when exploring the data:

  1. Portfolio Exploration
  • Every offer was sent via the email channel, in addition to other channels.
  • Informational offer types are never “completed” since they have no difficulty.

2. Profile Exploration

  • The three optional fields for users when creating a profile are gender, age, and income. I was concerned that customers may have provided some information but left other fields default (ex: they enter gender and age but leave income default). I verified that the whenever a field was left default, they were all left default. There are 2175 customers that left these optional fields default.
  • The youngest customer age is 18. The oldest actual customer age (not the default 118) is 101 years old.
  • The earliest membership is July 29, 2013 and the most recent membership is July 26, 2018.
  • This graph shows the number of memberships per year. Note that the data only contains information up to July 26, 2018, so the 2018 data is a little over half complete.
Profile Memberships Per Year (2018 is partial year)
  • This pie chart shows the distribution of gender (Male, Female, Other):
Profile Gender Percentages and Counts
  • This graph shows the age distribution with mean 54 and standard deviation 17:
Profile Age Distribution
  • This graph shows the income distribution with mean $65,404.99 and standard deviation $21,598.30:
Profile Income Distribution

3. Transcript Exploration

  • This pie chart shows the distribution of events:
Transcript Event Percentages and Counts
  • Every customer received at least 1 offer, and some customers received up to 7 offers.
  • Some customers received the same offer multiple times.
  • No customers received multiple offers at the same timestamp.
  • There were many instances where a customer would receive another offer before the previous offer expired, resulting in multiple offers being active at the same time.

4. Combined Exploration

These are things observed after combining the above 3 datasets:

  • Below is a graph of the % of Offer Events per Gender. “Received” events were fairly even across all genders. The majority of all genders “viewed” the event. Roughly half of Other and Female “completed” the event, while less than half of Males “completed”.
Percent Offer Events per Gender
  • Below is a graph of the % of Offer Events per Age Group. The interesting thing is that the younger age groups did not complete as many offers as the older age groups did. The number completed is also roughly linearly increasing percentage-wise from age buckets 18 through 59.
Percent Offer Events per Age Group
  • Below is a graph of the % of money each gender spent towards an offer versus how much they spent while no offer was active. This shows a nearly double increase in spending when offers are active.
Amount Spent towards Offers vs. Not towards Offers for Gender
  • Below is a graph of the % of money each age group spent towards an offer versus how much they spent while no offer was active. Similar to above, there is a roughly double increase in spending when offers are active.
Amount Spent towards Offers vs. Not towards Offers for Age Group

Preparing the Data

  1. Combining the Data

Some of the columns in the Transcript data needed additional feature engineering in order to prepare for building the models. Columns like time, event_transaction, event_offer_received, event_offer_viewed, event_offer_completed, and trans_amt needed aggregated into entries per id_customer and id_offer. My models will focus on customer and offer-related data rather than time or individual event-related data.

I created a nested dictionary data structure and iterated over the Transcript data capturing the following for each id_customer:

  • For each offer received: the ‘num_times_received’, the ‘num_times_viewed’, the ‘num_times_completed’, and ‘total_amt_spent_towards_offer’.
  • Also the ‘total_amt_spent_not_in_offer’ to capture all money spent when no offers were active.

This resulted in the following columns added to the data for additional analysis:

  • ‘amount_spent_not_in_offer’
  • ‘num_times_received’
  • ‘num_times_viewed’
  • ‘num_times_completed’
  • ‘total_amt_spent_towards_offer’
  • ‘avg_amt_spent_towards_offer’

After creating these new columns, I could safely remove the time, event_transaction, event_offer_received, event_offer_viewed, event_offer_completed, and trans_amt columns from Transcript.

I then merged the Transcript, Portfolio, and Profile data into a Combined dataframe.

The Combined Dataframe after merging Transcript, Portfolio, and Profile.

2. Preparing the Data for the Models

At this point, all of our data is based on each id_customer / id_offer pair. In order for the data to be ready for the models, I added/removed the following columns:

  • Added a column to indicate if the specific offer was “successful” or not. An offer is “successful” if the customer completed it at least once.
  • Removed all “Informational” rows, since they are never completed.
  • Removed rows where id_offer is NaN. These occur when a transaction event occurs outside of an offer.
  • Removed the id_customer column, since we want the models to generalize to look at the offer as a whole.
  • Removed the num_times_received, num_times_viewed, num_times_completed, membership_year, and amount_spent_not_in_offer as these were only used for creating graphs.
  • Removed the email column, since every offer is sent via email.
  • Removed avg_amt_spent_towards_offer and total_amt_spent_towards_offer since we only care that they completed the offer at least once.

My final Combined column list is:

List of Columns in my Final Combined Dataframe.

An important data preparation step is scaling the data to be between 0 and 1. This is to prevent the model from incorrectly assigning importance to one column with extremely large values (such as income in the tens of thousands) over another column with much smaller values (such as duration which is 10 days or less).

To scale the data between 0 and 1, I used Scikit Learn’s MinMaxScaler. I scaled the reward, difficulty, duration, and income columns in my Combined dataset.

I then created my Training/Testing/Validation datasets. I used Scikit Learn’s train_test_split to create a 60/20/20 split.

Evaluation Metrics

False negatives are the worst kind of error we can make for this project. To better understand why, look at the four possible scenarios below:

  • True Positive (TP): Send offer and customer will likely use it.
  • False Positive (FP): Send offer but customer doesn’t want it or doesn’t use it. ***Not as serious of an error.***
  • True Negative (TN): Do not send offer and customer doesn’t want it or doesn’t use it.
  • False Negative (FN): Do not send offer but customer would have likely used it if we sent it. *****Worst error*****

The two possible errors are False Positives and False Negatives. If we produce a False Positive, the customer will likely just ignore our marketing effort and possibly result in some wasted effort in our part. In extreme cases, the user could view False Positives as harassment and be turned off by our brand. Because of this extreme case and our wasted effort, False Positives are still important but not as important as False Negatives.

False Negatives result in a missed opportunity to market to a receptive customer. As we saw in the above graphs “Amount Spent towards Offers vs. Not towards Offers for Gender” and “Amount Spent towards Offers vs. Not towards Offers for Age Group”, customers are more than twice as likely to spend money when offers have been sent than without any offers. Even if some customers may have still spent the same amount regardless of if an offer was sent or not, others definitely increase their spending when an offer is active (I know I do).

Precision is used when the cost of False Positives is high. Recall is used when the cost of False Negatives is high. The F₁ Score is the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall.

Precision Equation
Recall Equation

In our case, we want to consider the cost of both Precision and Recall but focus more on False Negatives. To do this we can use the F₂ Score, which puts more emphasis on recall.

F₂ Score Equation

Accuracy is also a common metric focusing on % of guesses made correctly.

Accuracy Equation

I originally was going to only use the F₂ Score, but realized I needed to look at multiple metrics to get a full picture. I discovered that on some models the F₂ Score was really high (~0.90), but the model marked everything as Positive (i.e. send the offer). This resulted in all TP and FP and no TN and FN.

For each model I created a Confusion Matrix, and calculated the accuracy, F₁ Score, and F₂ Score. This allowed me to get a better picture of if the model was doing what I wanted.

A Confusion Matrix is a graph that shows the TP, TN, FP, and FN counts.

One exciting side-effect of this project was it resulted in me opening my first GitHub Pull Request. I used Scikit Learn’s plot_confusion_matrix function to graph the confusion matrix for each model. I discovered a bug that forced the values to always be displayed in scientific notation (example: 3.2e+02 instead of 314). For this capstone project I implemented a work-around. For my pull request, I modified the source code, created a test to verify my changes, and modified the whats_new release notes. My pull request will be included in the upcoming Scikit Learn v0.22.1 release.

Models Used:

It is worth noting that Starbucks only had a 63.252% success rate during their trial with the offers they sent. So my models have to beat 63.252% to be considered successful.

  1. My baseline/benchmark model was a logistic regression model.

“[Logistic regression is] quite efficient in dealing with the majority of business scenarios [for propensity modeling]” -HG Insights (

I used Scikit Learn’s Logistic Regression model. I originally started with the default values (only setting random_state to get the same results every time), but found that the default max iterations value of 100 was too low. I increased the max iterations to 1000 and got better results.

The accuracy is 0.71208, F₁ Score is 0.79208, F₂ Score is 0.83016, and confusion matrix is:

Logistic Regression Confusion Matrix

2. My second model was a Support Vector Machine (SVM).

I used Scikit Learn’s SVM SVC implementation which is a C-Support Vector Classifier. C is a regularization parameter where the strength of regularization is inversely proportional to C (with C > 0). Gamma is the kernel coefficient for the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel.

After Hyperparameter Tuning (described in detail in the below section) I settled on C=10,000 and gamma=1e-05.

The accuracy is 0.72463, F₁ Score is 0.78873, F₂ Score is 0.80353, and confusion matrix is:

SVM Confusion Matrix

3. My final model is a Neural Network. I used the TensorFlow 2.0 framework for building and training my model.

I will discuss the Hyperparameter Tuning in-depth in the next section. The hyperparameters selected are:

  • 2 Hidden Layers
  • Hidden Layer 1 has 128 nodes, with ReLU activation functions, and Dropout value of 0.3
  • Hidden Layer 2 has 32 nodes, with ReLU activation functions, and Dropout value of 0.2
  • I used the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 1e-4
  • My loss metric was Binary Cross Entropy
  • I used an Early Stopping callback monitoring the validation loss. This stopped the training if the validation loss had not decreased within 20 epochs.
  • Since I had the Early Stopping callback, I set the number of epochs equal to the number of training data rows (26,463). Because of the Early Stopping, I never exceeded 400 epochs.
  • I also used a Model Checkpoint that saved the best model based on the minimum validation loss found.
TensorFlow 2.0 Keras Model Summary

The accuracy is 0.71163, F₁ Score is 0.79726, F₂ Score is 0.84863, and confusion matrix is:

Neural Network Confusion Matrix

Comparing the Models

Below is a graph showing the metrics for each model against the Test Set:

Final Metrics using the Test Set

The Neural Network performed the best out of the 3 models with an F₂ Score of 0.84863 and with the lowest False Negative count of 639. It also has the most True Positives. As stated previously, the False Negatives is the worst kind of error for us since it is a missed opportunity to market to a receptive customer.

The Logistic Regression (baseline model) was a close second to the Neural Network.

The Support Vector Machine performed the worst overall out of the 3 models.

Hyperparameter Tuning

We use the Validation Set when Hyperparameter Tuning.

SVM Tuning

For determining the C and gamma values for the SVM SVC model, I got my idea from here. I used grid search to look for 10 ‘C’ values in log space between 10⁻² and 10⁴, and 10 gamma values in log space between 10⁻⁹ and 10³. This best parameters found were C of 10,000 and gamma of 1e-05 which received an accuracy score of 0.73 on the validation set.

Neural Network (NN) Tuning

For determining hyperparameters for the NN I used TensorFlow’s TensorBoard and the HParams Dashboard. One issue I encountered was my Jupyter Notebook kernel repeatedly crashed when trying to perform hyperparameter tuning for the neural network. I eventually wrote a separate Python program do the hyperparameter tuning.

I went through 4 iterations when finding the NN hyperparameters, each time narrowing the focus.

The first iteration tested the following:

  • Hidden Layer 1 Number of Nodes: 32, 64, 128, 256
  • Hidden Layer 1 Dropout: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
  • Number of Hidden Layers: 1 or 2
  • Hidden Layer 2 Number of Nodes: 32, 64, 128, 256
  • Hidden Layer 2 Dropout: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
  • Optimizer: Adam or SGD
  • Learning Rate: 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3

This iteration eventually ran out of memory before fully completing, but it gave me enough of an idea to move onto other iterations. I knew from this first iteration that Adam received better results than SGD, so I removed SGD from later iterations.

The second iteration used 1 Hidden Layer and tested the following:

  • Hidden Layer 1 Number of Nodes: 32, 64, 128
  • Hidden Layer 1 Dropout: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
  • Number of Hidden Layers: 1
  • Optimizer: Adam
  • Learning Rate: 1e-4, 1e-3

The third iteration used 2 Hidden Layers and tested the following:

  • Hidden Layer 1 Number of Nodes: 32, 64, 128
  • Hidden Layer 1 Dropout: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
  • Number of Hidden Layers: 2
  • Hidden Layer 2 Number of Nodes: 32, 64, 128
  • Hidden Layer 2 Dropout: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
  • Optimizer: Adam
  • Learning Rate: 1e-4, 1e-3

From this I was able to determine 2 Hidden Layers was better than 1, and smaller learning rate was better. I also found that 128 nodes in Hidden Layer 1 and 32 nodes in Hidden Layer 2 resulted in the best results.

The fourth iteration further refined the previous iterations and tested the following:

  • Hidden Layer 1 Number of Nodes: 128
  • Hidden Layer 1 Dropout: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3
  • Number of Hidden Layers: 2
  • Hidden Layer 2 Number of Nodes: 32
  • Hidden Layer 2 Dropout: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3
  • Optimizer: Adam
  • Learning Rate: 7.5e-5, 8.75e-5, 1e-4

Below is a table showing the best results from each iteration:

Hyperparameter Tuning Scores for each Iteration against Validation Set

The best parameters from the fourth iteration were the final parameters used.

  • Hidden Layer 1 Number of Nodes: 128
  • Hidden Layer 1 Dropout: 0.3
  • Number of Hidden Layers: 2
  • Hidden Layer 2 Number of Nodes: 32
  • Hidden Layer 2 Dropout: 0.2
  • Optimizer: Adam
  • Learning Rate: 1e-4

Below is a screenshot from the Tensorboard HParams Dashboard showing the best hyperparameters from the final iteration highlighted in green. The blue line has a higher F₂ Score but also classifies all data as Positive (send offer), TP or FP, and does not classify any as Negative (don’t send offer), TN or FN. The colors range from bright red for highest accuracy to dark blue for lowest accuracy. The line in green is the one I selected.

HParams Dashboard from Final Iteration — Best Hyperparameters in Green


For this project I have analyzed, cleaned, performed feature engineering, and created 3 models using the Starbucks data. I have created a Neural Network model that successfully performs propensity modeling with an F₂ Score of 0.84863 on the Test Set and the lowest False Negative score out of all my models. As mentioned previously, Starbucks was only able to achieve a 63.252% success rate during their trial. My model definitely improves upon the trial results, and so it is a success!

Future Improvements

If I were to extend this project further, I would attempt the following:

  • I would dig into the examples that were labeled as False Negatives to determine why the model incorrectly labeled them. I could then possibly apply additional feature engineering or tweak hyperparameters to reduce these.
  • I would ensemble several models together to see if they improve the results.
  • I would try a tree-based model like Random Forest.
  • I am curious how the models would handle a new offer (other than the 10 existing offers). Would they handle this new offer with similar metric results, or would the models require additional training?
  • I am also curious if certain demographics respond more to certain offer types. This information could be used to engineer new offers targeting the specific demographic.


