Stephen (Steve) Love
Socially Driven Music
2 min readMar 3, 2019


Photo by Donn Strain on Unsplash

Of all the social causes Socially Driven Music (SDM) embraces, certainly reasonable gun control is a top priority. As the premier music venture for the socially conscious, SDM brings a new vision and purpose to the music business. #MusicThatMatters. While challenging all the traditional self-serving and myopic practices of an industry in continued flux, SDM leads a movement to bring poignancy and relevance to music fans, expanded and integrated distribution opportuniities, as well as transparency and equitable music royalty administration to artists and writers.

With all the issues and discord there is to speak to in 2019, it’s incomprehensible (and, frankly, negligent) that current music isn’t cognizant of its daily responsibility to motivate fans to call out acts of malfeasance and to promote acts of benevolence. A Rolling Stone poll of “Best Protest Songs” is largely comprised of songs of the 60’s and 70’s. Especially with so many disenfranchised, older-generation music fans, one needn’t be a rocket scientist to conclude that there is a huge opportunity to engage an otherwise enormous community that is far from being the falsely relegated moribund demographic that the industry ignores. The fact that there are so many experienced artists and writers who can still bring forth important stories which will rally their peers and influence younger generations demands that this realization be a cornerstone of SDM’s core mission.

Music is among the most powerful drivers of emotion. It’s time to re-direct our current emotional malaise over a sense of helplessness into excited and shared positivity. In the Twitter Moments Stream below, we are pleased to highlight Haley Reinhart’s cover of Stephen Stills’ Buffalo Springfield classic, “For What It’s Worth,” as an ideal example of the empowering potential of music to rally grassroot support. As the original did years ago, this creative cover of a now iconic song can continue to motivate us to action today. Hopefully, it will also encourage new songs designed to bring attention to so much that needs our empathy and commitment to change.

Text us on Slack with organizations you believe could benefit by an association with Haley Reinhart’s version of “For What It’s Worth,” what other artists and songs you find motivating and to what social causes you’d like to help connect this music for the benefit of all. Tell us how you’d suggest your proposed new rallying song be used to generate participation in your cause (e.g., popup shows, fundraising, etc). And don’t forget to take our Poll, following below:



Stephen (Steve) Love
Socially Driven Music

Music Biz; Fitness Evangelist; Animal Rights Advocate; Politico; Palm Springs (CA) Area Real Estate; Big Thinker!